
  1. 生物学技能在农村中学劳动技术课中的地位

    The Importance of Biological Skill in the Labour Technology Course of Rural Middle Schools

  2. 劳动技术课的教学设计

    Teaching Design Concerning A Lesson in Labour Skills

  3. 有的教师采用常规的照本宣科的教学方法,也有的教师采用劳动技术课的小手工制作的模式来实施教学。

    Some teachers adopt the conventional teaching method which is to repeat what the book says , and others implement teaching with a handwork pattern which is often adopted in the work-technic training .

  4. 为全面实施素质教育,深化教学改革,劳动技术课应在更新教学观念、明确教学目标、优化课堂教学等方面创新,以培养有创新素质的合格人才。

    In order to actualize quality education roundly and to deepen teaching reforms , labor and technology lessons should innovate in renovating teaching concepts , clear-cutting teaching methods , optimizing teaching lessons , and so on , to cultivate qualified and able people with innovation qualities .