
  1. 查克·查斯顿斯是ARC的企业信息管理部的总经理,他说:“ARC最新的研究是十分值得注意的,因为它揭露了不单单最低的国内飞机票价从前六周变成了前八周,同时,节省下来的钱占票价的很大百分比。“

    Chuck Thackston , managing director of enterprise information management at ARC , said : ' This latest study by ARC is significant because it reveals that not only have the lowest airfares shifted from six to eight weeks out for domestic travel , but the savings are markedly greater on a percentage basis .

  2. 企业内部由生产管理部、生产部、销售部、电算部、人力资源部、品质部、财务部以及购买部等组成。

    Internal composition of the enterprise are Production Management Department , Production Department , Sales Management Department , Computer Department , Human Resources Department , Quality Department , Finance Department and Purchasing Department .

  3. 管理伦理最初见之于企业管理,指的是企业管理在处理内外部人与人关系时所自觉遵守的道德方面的行为规范。

    It refers to the behaviour norms of morality that people abide by consciously to deal with the interpersonal relationship .

  4. 为建立与市场经济相适应的企业管理机制和管理方式,强化企业管理,财政部等四部委联合颁布了国有资本金效绩评价体系。

    In order to establish the management mechanism and pattern corresponding with the market economy , and to strengthen the administration of enterprises , China Ministry of Finance and other three Commissions jointly issued the Evaluation System of Benefits and Achievements of the State-owned Capital .

  5. 在激烈的市场竞争中,每个企业都会根据所在行业的特点、自身发展阶段以及企业内部管理等内外部因素制定相应的发展战略。

    In intense market competition , every enterprise would establish corresponding development strategy according to the internal and external environment , including the stage of development , the feature of industry , the internal operation and management and so on .