
  • 网络Erp;Enterprise Resource Planning
  1. 基于食品生产企业资源计划系统的三鹿事件分析

    Analysis of " Sanlu " Incident Based on ERP System of Food Manufacturing Enterprises

  2. 基于供应链结构的企业资源计划系统

    Optimized ERP system based on supply chain structure

  3. 基于多Agent的柔性企业资源计划系统体系结构研究

    Study on the Architecture of Flexible Enterprise Resource Planning System Based on Multi-agent

  4. 提出了ERP(EnterpriseResourcePlanning)构件的结构模型和由ERP构件合成企业资源计划系统的应用方法。

    This paper introduced ERP modularization structure model and its application method of synthesized enterprise 's resource planning system .

  5. 企业资源计划系统(EnterpriseResourcePlanningSystem)在企业中的应用,给内部控制体系带来了若干冲击和推动。

    Meanwhile , the wide application of Enterprise Resource Planning System ( ERP ) in all kinds of companies brings new impacts and improvements to the internal control .

  6. 为有效解决这些问题,本文提出了基于Web服务的企业资源计划系统架构,并对其关键技术进行了研究。

    In order to solve these problems effectively , the architecture of ERP based on Web Services is suggested , and its key technologies are studied .

  7. 企业资源计划系统(ERP)和制造执行系统(MES)是企业综合自动化的两个重要的系统。

    ERP and MES are two important systems of comprehensive automation in enterprises .

  8. ERP(EnterpriseResourcePlanning),即企业资源计划系统,是一个集成化管理的信息系统,该系统能够通过对企业内部的所有资源进行有效的集合和控制以实现企业的最大效益。

    ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ) is an integration administered information systems which achieves most benefits by congregating and controlling all resource of enterprise inner effectively .

  9. 企业资源计划系统(ERP)以其巨大的潜在经济效益在国内外得到广泛的应用。

    The Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) is broadly applied both abroad and domestically because of its enormous potential economic benefits .

  10. JSERP:企业资源计划系统的设计和实现

    JS_ ERP : Ent erp rise Resource Planning System Designing and Implementation

  11. EIS包括数据库、企业资源计划系统和大型机事务处理系统。

    EISs include databases , enterprise resource planning systems , and mainframe transaction processing systems .

  12. ERP作为一种管理手段,因其集中体现了企业资源计划系统的即时性、集中性和远见性的特点,目前正被国内大中型企业所接受。

    As a means of management , ERP is accepted by domestic large and medium-size enterprises because of its character which is timely , centralized and farseeing .

  13. 为了解决传统ERP的不足,提出了柔性企业资源计划系统(F-ERP)的概念。

    Abstrac The paper proposes the concept of flexible enterprise resource planning ( F-ERP ) .

  14. 企业资源计划系统(EnterpriseResourcePlanning,ERP)是实现制造企业全面信息集成与优化运行的关键技术,但目前ERP软件开发领域存在软件开发周期长、系统可重构性低和优化算法不完善等问题。

    Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) is the key technology of realizing the informational integration and optimization of manufacturing enterprise , but nowadays the ERP software development field exists some problems such as long cycle of software development , low reconfiguration of the software system and imperfect optimal algorithm .

  15. 介绍了企业资源计划系统(ERP-EnterpriseResourcePlanning)的功能、特点、管理思想及应用阶段,说明了企业实施ERP系统存在的风险,最后分析了ERP系统成功的标志。

    The text summarized the function , features , management idea and application periods of ERP system ( Enterprise Resource Planning ), explained the risk for enterprise to execute the ERP system , at last analyzed the symbol of successful ERP system .

  16. ERP-EnterpriseResourcePlanning即企业资源计划系统,是运用信息技术,包含成功的管理思想和管理方法的软件系统,可以帮助企业实现规范化、合理化管理,正逐渐成为现代企业的运行模式。

    ERP Enterprise Resource Planning is integrated software system including information technology and successful administration ideas and management methods . It has been the modern operation model of contemporary enterprise for it can help the enterprise achieve the normal , reasonable management .

  17. 论文将成本控制和创新管理融进企业资源计划系统中,提出了时间-成本-创新三主线ERP管理体系,并应用国际制造战略调查(IMSS)数据库对该管理体系的合理性进行了实证研究。

    It puts forward ERP management system with three main lines of time-cost-innovation , in which cost control and innovation management are also considered . An empirical study is carried out with the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey ( IMSS ) database .

  18. 集成质量系统与企业资源计划系统的多视图融合机制研究

    Research on multi-view integration mechanism of integrated quality system & ERP

  19. 多智能体柔性企业资源计划系统模型的研究

    Study on the model of multi agent flexible enterprise resource planning

  20. 典型制造行业企业资源计划系统应用研究

    The Research on Enterprise Resource Planning System for Typical Manufacturing Industry

  21. 企业资源计划系统与生产管理&日本小松矿山机械集团的案例分析

    ERP and production control-application of ERP in Japan Komatsu mining machinery group

  22. 企业资源计划系统在三峡水电厂的应用

    Enterprise Resources Programming System Applied to Management of Three Gorges Hydropower Plant

  23. 乳品企业资源计划系统模型的设计

    Design Modelling of Enterprise Resource Planning System for Dairy Enterprise

  24. 基于B/S的企业资源计划系统的研究

    The Research of Enterprise Resource Planning System Based on B / S

  25. 开源企业资源计划系统在人造板行业应用与推广

    Application and Promotion of Open-source Enterprise Resource Planning in Wood-based Panels Industry

  26. 面向服务体系结构的企业资源计划系统应用模型与集成策略

    Application model & integration strategy of SOA-based ERP system

  27. 网络化钻井企业资源计划系统体系结构研究

    A study on the framework of Network Drilling Enterprise Resource Planning ( NDERP ) Model

  28. 企业资源计划系统的开发策略

    Developing Method of ERP System

  29. 企业资源计划系统初探

    Study on Enterprise Resource Planning

  30. 规划出虚拟企业资源计划系统,包括系统层次结构和功能模块结构。

    The system of V-ERP is established which includes the systematical level structure and functional model structure .