
  1. 提供系统性能分析报告。

    It provides the analysis report of system performance .

  2. 视频会议系统发展分析报告

    Development and Analysis Report of Video Conference System

  3. 中国车载导航系统市场分析报告

    Marketing Analysis Report of China Car GPS

  4. 财务报告体系的完善主要包括自愿披露系统性分析报告、全面收益表和增值表。

    Perfection of financial report system incorporates voluntary disclosure report , overall income statement and added-value report .

  5. 设计的思路则是根据系统的需求分析报告和整体概要设计报告,对会话管理模块在整个系统的功能和作用进行准确的定位,逐步完成。

    Design train of thought is according to the system ' sdemand analysis report and overall outline design of session management module report .

  6. 提交基于评价系统提供的数据分析报告。

    Submit an report based on the data analysis of this System .

  7. 每月对华南、华中的麦当劳餐厅的叫修记录进行数据系统分析,并提交报告;

    Monthly southern and central McDonald 's restaurant is called the repair records for data analysis and reporting ;