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  • series bond
  1. 但问题真正开始暴露是在2004年,其顶点是导致欧洲各国政府愤怒不已的一系列债券交易操纵案。

    But things really started to unravel in 2004 , culminating in a series of manipulative bond trades that infuriated European governments .

  2. 最近几年,摩根大通担任了金刚化工一系列大型债券发行的顾问,据信,其中一笔交易是调查的主要对象。

    JPMorgan has advised KCC on a series of large bond issues in recent years and one of these deals is believed to be at the centre of the investigations .

  3. 通过这种做法,将会提出一系列解决主权债券市场问题的大胆政策。

    This will present a range of bold policies that address the problems in sovereign bond markets .

  4. 今年6月,美国低成本基金管理公司先锋集团推出了11只在英国和爱尔兰注册的指数跟踪基金,让英国投资者获得了投资一系列股票和债券市场的机会。

    In June , vanguard , the US low-cost manager , launched 11 UK and Irish domiciled index tracking funds offering UK investors exposure to a range of equity and bond markets .

  5. Markowitz指出,一个合意的资产组合决不仅仅是一系列优秀的股票债券的罗列,而是能够在各种可能的情况下为投资者提供保护和机遇的平衡的整体。

    Markowitz pointed out that a desirable portfolio is never a list of first-class stocks and bonds , but a balanced integer which can provides protection and opportunities for investors under all circumstances .

  6. 而我国的公司债券市场起步较晚,虽然近几年得到快速的发展,但仍存在发行规模小、流动性不足等一系列问题,公司债券市场的发展远远滞后于股票市场。

    The corporate bond market in China starts late . Although it has got rapid development in recent years , some problems still exist . Compared to the stock market , the development of bond market lags far behind .