
  1. 我们将改善上市程序和信息披露制度,以符合全球标准。

    We will improve listing procedures and disclosure systems to match global standards .

  2. 新三板为中小企业提供了融资渠道,成本更低,上市程序更简单。

    The New Third Board offers SMEs a financial channel with lower costs and simpler listing procedures .

  3. 最好和其他按时走完上市程序的公司的掌门人多交流,弄清楚他们都做了哪些准备工作。

    Talk to other CEOs who have kept the process on time , and find out how they prepared .

  4. 新加坡证交所一直寻求提高公司治理水平,并收紧了中国公司上市程序。由于本地上市资源有限,新加坡证交所实行海外扩张策略,而中国公司在其策略中占有至关重要的地位。

    The SGX since then has sought to improve corporate governance and tighten listing procedures for S-chips , which have been crucial to its strategy of expanding beyond its limited source of local listings .

  5. 在发行人资格的确定、标的资产的选择、备兑权证产品的创新、履约担保方式的改善、上市程序和做市商制度的完善等若干问题上提出了相应的补充和修改性建议。

    We put forward correspond suggestion about the following problems : publisher qualifications , the choice of object property , innovation of Covered warrant product , improving the guarantee way of fulfilling contract , procedure of entering market system etc.

  6. 但新药的上市申请不仅程序繁琐、资金需求巨大,而且资金一旦投入即成为沉没成本。

    But the new drug application for listing does not only have cumbersome procedure and demands for huge funds , but also takes the high risk .

  7. 最后介绍间接上市的基本操作程序。

    Finally , the basic operating procedures are introduced in this chapter .

  8. 相对应的,在上市公司破产重整程序中,政府也会成为诸多利益主体中的一员。

    Correspondingly , the government will become a member of stakeholders while in the process of bankruptcy reorganization .

  9. 然而,参与上市的人士警告称,正式上市程序刚刚开始。

    However , people involved in the deal warned that the formal IPO process was just beginning .

  10. 海外上市是我国高科技企业避开国内上市复杂的审批程序,在较短的时间内获得上市地位的有效方式。

    Foreign listing is a valid way for ventures and companies in china to list on the capital market in short time , avoiding complicated examination and approval procedure .

  11. 一家公司提交上市申请后,若迟迟不确定发行价,那它将日益遭到质疑&该公司是不是没法继续推进上市程序了?这是“为什么”?

    The longer a company remains on file without pricing , the more questions arise about " why " the company may be struggling to move forward .