
  • 网络upper leg
  1. 1963年一只画眉曾在这树林里给戴上腿环。

    A blackbird was ringed in the wood here in1963 .

  2. 我们使劲尽量发挥出最好,虽然那天正逢上腿超酸疼,还是四年级男生第一&15下。

    I tried to play the best , although my legs were very painful on that day , but I got the first place among the boys-15 times .

  3. 当葛兰抓住他的手,派普坐上他的腿,

    Grenn held his arms while Pyp sat on his legs .

  4. 那你怎么解释图片上没有腿呢?

    How can you tell ? There 's no leg !

  5. 这么说来你没跟这位英曼有上一腿?

    So you never wrapped your legs around this lnman ?

  6. 我奶奶去年冬天在冰上把腿摔骨折了。

    Grandma 's fall on the ice last winter resulted in a badly broken leg .

  7. 手倒立的第一个动作;手放在地上把腿向后抬。

    Raising the feet backward with the hands on the ground ; a first movement in doing a handstand .

  8. 坐在垫子上,腿伸直,胳膊放在身体两侧。

    Sit on the mat with your feet in front of you and arms down the side of the body .

  9. 电动上曲腿功能:可以在病人坐起时小腿上弯曲,符合人体工学原理。

    On electrically operated tune leg function : May sits when the patient on calf curving , conforms to the kinesiology principle .

  10. 看见自己是坐在地上,腿蜷了蜷,想立起来。

    When he saw that he was sitting on the floor , he drew up his legs , intending to get up .

  11. 一些脸上、腿上带有黎族特有的细长图形青色文身的老年妇女用简单的踞织腰机织布,并向游客出售自己的作品。

    Elderly Li women with their people 's distinctive spidery blue tattoos on their faces and legs weave garments on simple lap looms and offer them for sale .

  12. 当我走过凯特的房间时,我常常会发现她坐在椅子上,腿放着剪贴薄,悲伤地注视着克里斯的相片。

    Often , as I went past her room , I would observe Kate sitting in her chair , scrapbooks on her lap , gazing sadly at pictures of Chris .

  13. 他补充说道,这位母亲的手上和腿上都被咬伤了,不过随后这头看起来大约两岁的狮子跑掉了。

    The mother had bite marks on her hand and scratches on her leg after the lion , believed to be two years old , ran off , he added .

  14. 几个男演员从臂上、腿上撕下布条,擦去伤痕-不是真的伤痕,而是画在皮肤上的伤口。

    Some of the actors were pulling cloths off their arms and legs and rubbing off " wounds " - - not real wounds , but wounds painted on their skins .

  15. 然后介绍了机器人机械本体结构的设计:机器人采用了关节式结构,在机构上根据腿功能的不同采用了三组不同的结构形式,实现了机器人的结构仿生。

    Then the mechanical structure design is introduced , the robot adopts a three different structure form of joint according to varied leg function , the bionic in structure of the robot is realized ;

  16. 更糟糕的是,如果一个女人从青春期就开始穿高跟鞋,她脚上和腿上的肌肉会畸形以致于即使穿平底鞋走路也会感觉很痛苦很困难。

    Worst of all , if they are worn continually from adolescence on , they deform the muscles of the feet and legs so that it becomes even more painful and difficult to walk in flat soles .

  17. 她上星期把腿摔断了,而且还是在她生日那一天!

    She broke her leg last week ─ and on her birthday too !

  18. 在火上熏制猪腿。

    Legs of pork were cured and smoked over the fire .

  19. Low教授和他的学生们计划给机器人安装上身体和腿,这样它就可以走路了。不知道爱因斯坦在天有灵会作何感想。

    The professor and his students plan to give him a body and legs so he can walk , although Einstein himself seems to have mixed feelings about the idea .

  20. 狗靠在一棵树上,翘起腿来撒尿。

    The dog cocked its leg against a tree and urinated .

  21. 最初的仿生弹跳器是给人绑上动物的腿。

    The original Bionic Boots were basically strap-on animal legs for people .

  22. 老汉在结冰的路面上滑倒把腿摔断了。

    The old man slipped down on the icy road and broke his leg .

  23. 坐在轮椅上的没有腿的人。

    A legless man in a wheelchair .

  24. 不要上下打腿,而是尝试同时向下向内打腿。

    Rather than kick up and down , try to snap your feet down and inward .

  25. 我的父亲正在沙发上小睡,腿伸向炉火。

    My father is taking a nap on the sofa , with his legs stretching toward the fire .

  26. 四肢必须保持在同一个平面上,因为腿向后会使得失去平衡。

    All limbs must remain on the same plane because tipping the leg backwards will cause loss of balance .

  27. 训练手段包括非稳定平面上的单腿支撑屈髋、内收、外展、伸髋等抗阻练习。

    Training methods include unsteady plane single leg support hip flexion and adduction , outreach , and hip resistance exercises .

  28. 小狗爬上我的腿,趴了下来。我问韦恩干什么工作。

    The pup had climbed onto my lap and settled in . I asked Wayne what type of work he did .

  29. 它们从脚开始,向上运转到腿和躯干,沿着胳膊向下,再越过耳朵向上。

    They begin at the feet , run up the legs and torso , down the arms , and up past the ears .

  30. 遇到起伏不平的地形时,在雪包上要曲腿,让雪板与雪地总是保持紧密接触;

    When you find yourself in irregular terrain , keep close contact with the snow by letting your legs giving in to the bumps .