
  • Upstream Reservoir;upper pond
  1. 乌江中上游水库&河流体系夏秋季N、Si分布特征

    Distribution characteristics of n , si in middle and upper reaches of Wujiang River in summer-autumn season

  2. 基于个体模型模拟的鱼类对上游水库运行的生态响应分析

    Analysis on the downstream fish responses to reservoir operation using individual-based model

  3. 反向可将下游船只提升运至上游水库。

    Inversely , it can lift ship from the downstream to the upstream reservoir .

  4. 黄河上游水库(电站)群联合调度效益显著

    Combined dispatching of reservoir ( hydro station ) groups in the upstream of Yellow River

  5. 感潮河段潮位与洪水预报及上游水库控制模式研究

    Study on the Flood and Tide Forecast of Tidal River and Upstream Reservoir Inference Operating Mode

  6. 上游水库间歇非连续放水时,残油释放物危害小。

    When the upstream reservoir discharged the water discontinuously , the danger of release liquid would be lowered .

  7. 上游水库的修建及整治工程的投入将更加有利于优化调度的进行。

    The reservoir built upriver and the regulation works put in practice will benefit to put the optimized operation regulation into practice .

  8. 黄河上游水库对宁夏河段防洪防凌及灌溉的影响与对策

    The Effect Of Yellow River Upper Reach Reservoir on Flood Control , Ice Prevention and Irrigation Of Ningxia River Reach and Corresponding Treatments

  9. 非洲最大的湖,世界上第二大的淡水湖;是尼罗河的上游水库。

    The largest lake in Africa and the 2nd largest fresh water lake in the world ; a headwaters reservoir for the Nile River .

  10. 科学、合理地调度珠江上游水库,增加河口枯季径流作用,是解决珠江三角洲枯季供水危机的重要手段和途径。

    Rational reservoir operation , which is designed to increase runoff at estuary in dry season , is a key approach to solve water shortage problem in dry season at the Pearl River delta .

  11. 在科学的水源开发规程下,找到了数十万公顷水田灌溉可不依靠上游水库调节供水的区内多种水源的优化开发与运用策略。

    The optimal development and utilization strategies inner the paddy field irrigation area of over 100 000 ha have been found according to a scientific water resources developing rule and without relying on water supply of upper stream reservoir .

  12. 本文通过分析多年黄河上游水库水电站运用规律和运行特点,结合实际调度经验,提出了水库运行水位动态控制的建议。

    The regulation and operation characteristics of cascade hydroelectric power stations in the upper reaches of Yellow River were analyzed , and it was suggested that the operational storage level should be dynamic controlled by practical experience in reservoir operation .

  13. 结合七星河流域小水库群的调洪演算与防洪安全复核,考虑上游水库的调蓄与溃坝影响,分别推求下游水库的入库设计洪水,并进行调洪演算。

    In the case study of flood routing and check for a group of small-size reservoirs in Qixing river basin , considering the influence of storage and dam break of upstream reservoirs , the inflow and flood routing are calculated for downstream reservoirs .

  14. 本文将结构可靠度计算中的JC法引入,用于上游有水库调节的设计洪水地区组成的分析和计算,并结合典型洪水过程推求了设计断面的洪水过程线。

    In this paper , JC Method , which had been used to calculate structure reliability , is introduced and used to analyse the design flood region composition influenced by upper reservoirs , and then the design flood hydrograph is deduced from the typical flood hydrograph .

  15. 上游梯级水库安全隐患对城市防洪影响研究

    Influence of upstream cascade reservoirs safety on city flood control

  16. 同时还考虑边坡上游面的水库水压力作用。

    And the effect of water pressure of the reservoir is also considered .

  17. 黄河上游梯级水库联合运行设计

    Design of the combined operation of cascade reservoirs in the upstream of Yellow River

  18. 黄河上游梯级水库对水资源调节配置的能力分析

    Capability Analysis of Regulating Allocation of Water Resources for Cascade Reservoirs on the Yellow River

  19. 黄河上游干流水库调节水沙对宁蒙河道的影响

    Impact of water and sediment regulation by reservoirs in the upper Yellow River on Inner-Mongolia reaches

  20. 漓江上游防洪水库对桂林市区河段洪水组合影响分析

    Influence of upstream flood control reservoirs on flood synthesis of Lijiang river section in Guilin city

  21. 丰水期乌江上游干流水库&河流体系硫同位素组成

    Sulfur isotope composition of river channel and reservoir water in upper reaches of Wujiang River in high flow season

  22. 藻类的细胞密度和叶绿素含量从水库上游到水库下游依次降低。

    The cell density and chlorophyll concentration in the reservoirs located upstream were lower than in the downstream reservoirs .

  23. 黄河上游梯级水库和西北电网水调自动化系统的设计与实施

    The design and application of automatic water dispatching system of the cascade reservoirs in the upstream of Yellow River

  24. 黄河上游梯级水库调节下施工洪水流量的选择研究

    Research on Flood Flux Selection during Construction Period under the Modulation of the Cascade Reservoir in the Upstream of the Yellow River

  25. 利用常规资料与多时相卫星遥感图象,分析了黄河上游干流水库投入运用后内蒙河段河床的冲淤演变及平面形态变化。

    This paper examines the erosion and accretion evolution based on sea charts , combined with hydrodynamics and sediments , as well as channel evolution of the Changjiang estuary .

  26. 黄河上游梯级水库水电站群承担发电、灌溉、防洪、防凌等任务,是目前国内综合利用要求最多的梯级水电站群。

    The cascade hydropower reservoirs which are located in the upstream of Yellow River , have been designed for many purposes , such as power generation , irrigation , flood control , ice prevention , and navigation etc.

  27. 自然因素包括:全球性海平面上升、台风、风暴潮等海洋动力的侵蚀、自然因素下的地面沉降以及陆源泥沙供应自然减少等;人为因素包括:海岸采砂、河道上游建造水库和沿岸工程设施等。

    Natural factors include such as global sea-level rise , storm waves , land subsidence and decrease of sand supply from land . Human activities impact include sand mining from coastal zone , river daming and coastal engineering .

  28. 结合清江流域梯级水电站工程特性及防洪任务,以不降低梯级防洪标准为原则,建立基于预报及上游水布垭水库库容补偿的汛限水位动态控制模型,推求隔河岩水库汛期汛限水位动态控制方案。

    According to the characteristics of the cascade reservoirs in the Qingjiang River Basin and flood control duty , a dynamic control method for limiting floodwater level was developed based on real-time forecasting information and upstream reservoir storage compensation information .

  29. 随着气候的变化、河道上游修建水库和工农业用水量的增加,地表水资源量逐年减少,地下水资源开采量逐年增加。

    Because of the transformation of the climate , the construction of the reservoir and the increasing consumption of water in industry and agriculture , the surface water resources are reduced year by year at the same time , the exploration of the ground water is increasing .

  30. 线路终点上游为沃尔特水库。

    There is Volta reservoir at upstream of the alignment terminal point .