
shàng biàn pín
  • up-conversion
上变频[shàng biàn pín]
  1. 频率综合器是无线通信系统中的一个核心模块,它给收发机中的上变频以及下变频电路提供频率可编程的本振信号。

    Frequency synthesizers , which provide the up-conversion and down-conversion circuits with programmable local oscillator signals in transceivers , are the core modules in wireless communication systems .

  2. 一种低功耗、高线性、双正交可调谐CMOS上变频混频器

    A Low-Power , High-Linearity and Double-Quadrature Tunable CMOS Up-Conversion Mixer

  3. 为满足波形参数要求,本文设计了DDS+倍频+上变频的C波段三角形调频连续波频率源。

    To meet the waveform requirements , DDS + Multiplier + Upconverter was used to realize the C-band FMCW frequency source .

  4. 基于FPGA的全数字上变频系统设计

    Design of all-digital up-converter system based on FPGA

  5. 介绍了采用0.35μMCMOS工艺实现的单边带上变频混频电路。

    This paper presents a single side band up-mixer fabricated by SMIC 0.35 μ m CMOS technology .

  6. DSP和数字上变频和下变频技术是构建高频雷达通用硬件平台的关键技术。

    The DSP , Digital Up Converter ( DUC ) and Digital Down Converter ( DDC ) are key technology of a hardware-platform .

  7. 研究了基于FPGA的数字上变频的设计和实现。

    This Paper deals with the design and implementation of Digital Up Conversion ( DUC ) by field-programmable gate array ( FPGA ) .

  8. 主要包括OFDM符号调制、系统信号组帧、数字上变频以及外围接口在FPGA上的设计及实现,并最终通过了中频直连的硬件测试。

    The main contents include the OFDM symbol modulation , system signal Framing , Digital Up Converter and peripheral interface in FPGA implementation .

  9. 接着详细的介绍了数字上变频设计的相关技术,如多数率信号处理技术、数字滤波技术、数字域正交混频技术等,并使用systemgenerator将其一一实现。

    Some correlative skill of DUC are introduced detailedly next , such as multispeed signal processing skill , digital filtering technique , and digtal area orthogonality mixing skill , which all come ture by System Generator .

  10. Ku波段锁相上变频技术在VSAT通信系统中的应用

    Application of Ku-band Up-conversion with OPLL in VSAT Communication System

  11. WCDMA基站的直接上变频方案具有低噪声和理想的ACPR特性

    Low Noise and Best ACPR in Direct Up - Conversion for WCDMA BTS

  12. 8mm波段四路相参上变频系统的设计

    Design of 8mm Four-Channel Coherent Up-converter System

  13. 该方案采用DSP处理数字基带信号并控制AD9857完成上变频,可实时改变数字基带信号的调制方式和雷达的工作参数。

    The modulating mode of baseband signal and work parameters of radar can be changed agilely .

  14. 双基地SAR用两个独立的本振分别实现上变频和下变频,相噪低频分量不能相互抵消,形成与单基地SAR不同的低频相噪。

    Unlike the monostatic SAR , two independent local oscillators are used for up / down conversion in bistatic case , so low frequency components of phase noise cannot be cancelled .

  15. 采用数字中频采样、数字上变频、数字下变频以及DSP等信号处理技术,实现反舰导弹末制导雷达收发系统的数字化。

    Making use of the technology of sampling of intermediate frequency , digital up-conversion , the digital down-conversion , DSP and so on , realizes the digitalization of antiship missile terminal guidance radar transmitting-receiving system .

  16. 传统双上变频发射器通常采用中频(IF)混合器和射频(RF)混合器将基带用户信号依次转换成IF和RF。

    Conventional dual up-conversion transmitter usually employs an intermediate frequency ( IF ) mixer and a radio frequency ( RF ) mixer to convert baseband user signal to IF and RF in sequence .

  17. 在上变频环节中,与DDS器件合成的多普勒频率信号进行混频得到雷达目标的射频信号。

    Then it mixed with the Doppler frequency which is synthesized by the DDS to achieve the radar target radio frequency signal in the upward frequency conversion process .

  18. 在发射模式下,通过控制DDS完成发射波束形成所必需的幅度、相位加权和上变频所必需的本振信号;

    In transmitting mode , through controlling DDS , it produces the amplitude and phase weights needed by transmitting beam , and the local oscillation signal needed by upper frequecy conversion .

  19. 此类90°单平衡混频器只适合下变频,如果需用作上变频,必须加中频Balun。

    The 90 ° single balanced mixer could only be used as down-converter . An IF Balun is needed for up-converter operation .

  20. 发射机实现一个突发传输过程,编码和组帧都在链路控制部分实现,基带处理部分做扩频、FIR滤波和上变频的工作。

    The transmitter does the work of a burst transmission , its encoding and framing are all implemented in the link control part , the base-band process part does the spreading , FIR filtering and up frequency conversion .

  21. 本论文介绍了毫米波通信系统中常用的上变频方案和调制方式,比较了它们的性能和特点,最终在发射系统中选择了DQPSK调制方式。

    This thesis introduces some modulation manners and up-conversion schemes , comparing their performance and characteristics . Finally the paper selects DQPSK modulation .

  22. 基于0.25μm标准CMOS工艺模型的仿真结果表明,该滤波器可有效滤除经过上变频会成为载波附近相位噪声的低频噪声(特别是1/f噪声)。

    Simulations based on 0.25 μ m standard CMOS process models show that the HPF can effectively decrease low frequency noise , especially 1 / f noise , which will be up-converted to near carrier phase noise though Phase Modulation .

  23. 在以上基础之上,利用EDA工具(HP&ADS),采用多频率负载牵引的方法,对上变频电路进行了初步设计和优化,最后选取合适的电路结构,完成了整个电路的设计。

    After this , HP-ADS was used to complete initial design and optimum of the upconverter , during this process , multi-tone load-pulling method was used , and then right circuit construct was chose to complete the last design .

  24. 发射机采用数字式调制方式,即QAM直接调制上变频方式,相对于其它调制方式可以实现在相同带宽下的高码率传输。

    The transmitter adopt QAM modulation mode , which is a directly modulation upper frequency conversion mode , which could afford more high bit rate transmission in the same bandwidth compared to other modulation mode .

  25. 介绍了TI公司的宽频带4通道的数字上变频/下变频转换器GC5016的内部结构和关键指标,分析讨论了TD-SCDMA基站对数字上变频器的要求。

    This paper introduces the main structure and configuration of GC5016 & wideband 4-channel digital up-converter / down-converter of TI Co. , and analyzes and discusses the requirement of TD-SCDMA base station for digital up-converter .

  26. 采用FPGA和专用正交数字上变频芯片的方式,既可以产生复杂的雷达信号,同时信号的调制以及初级混频均在数字域完成,避免了模拟器件给信号带来的非线性失真的影响。

    The use of FPGA and dedicated quadrature digital upconverter chip approach can not only produce complex radar signals , but also avoid nonlinear distortion that analog devices make an impact on the signal because of the signal modulation and the primary mixer are accomplished in the digital field .

  27. 介绍了Ku波段上变频组件的设计与制作,整个组件由低相噪振荡器、滤波器、功分器、功率放大器、PIN开关、上变频器等部分组成。

    The design and manufacture of a Ku-band up-converter module are introduced . The whole module is made up of a low phase-noise oscillator , a filter , a power divider , a power amplifier , a PIN switch , and a up-converter .

  28. 然后采用正交数字上变频(DUC)技术进行基带信号数字域调制和频率变换。

    Then , a solution based on Digital Up Converter ( DUC ) was proposed , which implemented the conversion of a complex digital baseband signal to a real passband signal .

  29. 介绍了数字电视地面广播(DVB-T)发射端的原理,给出了基于FPGA的实现方案,重点阐述了信道编码、OFDM调制、数字上变频三个模块的设计。

    In this article , the principle of transmitter of DVB-T system is introduced first , and the implementation scheme based on FPGA platform is given . Finally , we emphasize the design of three key units such as channel coding , OFDM modulation and digital upconverter .

  30. 简单介绍了计算机处理子系统和射频前端子系统的设计理念,论重点引出数字中频子系统的结构功能模块,其中数字上变频(DUC)是完成整个设计的关键。

    And then , introduces the design idea of computer processing system and RF front-end subsystem , extracts the function module of digital IF system intensively . The design of digital up-conversion ( DUC ) is the core of the all design .