
  • 网络pull-up resistor;pull up resistor;PULLUP
  1. TTL集成电路OC门的上拉电阻的研究

    On the Pull-up Resistor of TTL Open - Collector Gates

  2. 如将其值的一半接到5V电源做上拉电阻,将另外的一半拉接到地做下拉电阻,则各个节点的两边偏置电阻最大总共为685Ω。

    Placing half of this value as a pullup to5V and half as a pulldown to ground gives a maximum bias resistor value of685 Ω for each of the two biasing resistors .

  3. 解决方案是:在武器控制组合内部的总线加上拉电阻;

    Solution methods are : to add resistance in the bus of control group of weapon system ;