
  • 【电影】On The Way To School
  1. 照片中是一帮孩子背着书包,高高兴兴地走在路上。照片下面一排小字写着:“上学路上”。

    It showed a group of happy and cheering children carrying schoolbags with the caption1 at the bottom : " On Their Way To School ' ' .

  2. 我是想告诉你,但这种事…type:类blurt:突然说出blurtout:脱口而出平时走在上学路上时根本说不出口,righttime:正确的时机我在等待时机。

    Eric : I wanted to , but it ... it 's. .. it 's not the type of thing you blurt out on the way to school . I was waiting for the right time . -

  3. 说出上学路上你看到的三件事情。

    Three things you saw on your way to class today .

  4. 我想在上学路上不常见吧。

    Not exactly on a college track , I 'm guessing .

  5. 在上学路上他出了事故。

    He had an accident while on his way to school .

  6. 李雷在上学路上经常碰到金先生。

    Li Lei often meets Mr King on his way to school .

  7. 孩子在上学路上被拐骗。

    The child was abducted on his way to school .

  8. 在放学或上学路上不要嬉戏打闹。

    Don 't play roughly on the way to school and home .

  9. 皮诺曹上学路上遇到了什么事?

    What happened to Pinocchio on his way to school ?

  10. 真不幸,上学路上把我最喜欢的手表给弄丢了。

    Unfortunately , I lost my favorite watch on my way to school .

  11. 有一天,在上学路上,比尔经过一家水果店。

    One day on his way to school Bill passed a fruit store .

  12. 不要忘记在上学路上把信投了。

    Don 't forget to post the letter on the way to school .

  13. 我每天上学路上要穿越铁路桥。

    I cross the railway bridge every day on my way to school .

  14. 在上学路上,我看到了一个不明飞行物。

    I guess I have a UFO report .

  15. 在上学路上我捡到了一个本人丢失的钱包。

    On my trail to school , I found a wallet that someone had dropped .

  16. 我们的上学路上、放学路上要注意些什么呢?

    What should we pay attention to on the way to school or come back school ?

  17. 一路上他或追逐蝴蝶,或吓跑小鸟,让我的上学路上充满了欢乐。

    Chasing butterflies and scaring away birds , he made my way to school full of joy .

  18. 上学路上,我看见一只小知更鸟,他这样跳。

    I saw a little robin and he hopped like this , all on my way to school .

  19. 上学路上,我看见一位年迈、怜的老妇人,她这样跋行。

    I saw a poor old lady and she hobbled like this , all on my way to school .

  20. 为了及时到校,你应该早起,不要在上学路上玩耍。

    To get to school in time , you should get up early and do not play on your way to school .

  21. 要警告这群男孩,上学路上横过铁道时要当心火车。

    The boys must be warned to take care of the trains as they cross the tracks on their way to school .

  22. 在乡下老家时曾多次见过日出,有时在上学路上,有时在和母亲劳作的田野里。

    Home in the country have seen many times during the sunrise , and sometimes way to school , sometimes in and the mother labors of the fields .

  23. 你一种口音说英语,然后你不得不在上学路上掩盖这样的口音,这样你才能不被当成笑柄。

    You talk a certain type of English and then you have to cover that up on you way to school so you don 't get your butt kicked .

  24. 所以你俩就进了政府系统我和哥哥在不同的人家只有早上上学路上

    And you two went into the system . We ain 't even in the same house . Only time we get to see each other is when I walk t to school in the morning .

  25. 她在上学的路上偶然遇见了他。

    She came across him on her way to school .

  26. 他在上学的路上遇到一件意外的事。

    He met with an accident on his way to school .

  27. 那个小女孩在上学的路上一直在数这条街上的商店。

    The little girl has been keeping count of the stores along this street on her way to school .

  28. 例如,在上学的路上吃东西,在我们的桌前吃东西,或者在电视机前吃东西都是很常见的。

    For example , it is common to eat on the way to school , at our desk , or in front of the TV .

  29. 史密斯出生在英国剑桥的乡村,在他8岁时,父母在送他上学的路上听到了他唱的惠特妮•休斯顿的《MyLoveIsYourLove》,之后便决定让他接受专业的声乐训练。

    Born in the rural county of Cambridgeshire , England , Smith was put in formal vocal training at the age of 8 after his parents heard him singing along to Whitney Houston 's My Love Is Your Love one morning on the drive to school .

  30. 14岁的GerritBlank在上学的路上,突然发现天上有一个“光球”直直冲自己脑袋飞过来。

    Gerrit Blank , 14 , was on his way to school when he saw " ball of light " heading straight towards him from the sky .