
  1. 横风下列车在不同高度的桥梁上交会的动力学特性研究。

    The dynamic characteristics of trains passing by bridges of different height under crosswind are studied .

  2. 建立了列车不同高度桥梁上交会的空气动力学计算模型,对列车在横风下交会时的动力学性能进行数值仿真分析。

    By building aerodynamic model of trains cross , the influence of bridge height on passing performance of high-speed trains under cross-wind is studied .

  3. 嫦娥五号的下一个挑战是在绕月轨道上执行交会对接任务。

    The next challenge for the Chang'e-5 is to a rendezvous and docking mission in an orbit around the moon .

  4. 横风环境下,高速列车在不同线路(平地、路堤及桥梁)上的交会的气动性能及车辆动力学特性,考虑了风向角、风速、车速等因素的影响。

    The train aerodynamic performances and vehicle dynamic characteristics of trains passing each other under crosswind environment are researched on different lines ( ground , embankment and bridge ), considering wind angle , wind speed and train speed factors . 7 .

  5. 该法案使得CFTC在跨国合作问题上比证交会持更开放态度。

    The act has allowed the CFTC to be more open to foreign co-operation much earlier than the SEC .

  6. 水平冲量作用下共面椭圆轨道上航天器的交会

    Rendezvous Between Two Spacecrafts With Coplanar Elliptic Orbits Using The Horizontal Impulse

  7. 该技术也可用于航天器上实时测量交会对接时的相对位姿参数。

    It can also be used to measure the relative position and attitude parameters of rendezvous and docking spacecrafts in real time .

  8. 上周五,证交会指控该行及其副总裁之一对投资者隐瞒一个事实,即对冲基金保尔森公司(paulson&co)影响了自己有意做空的一种抵押贷款支持证券(mbs)的构成。

    On Friday , the SEC accused the bank and one of its vice-presidents of hiding from investors that the hedge fund Paulson & Co influenced the composition of a mortgage-backed security it wanted to bet against .

  9. 克茨是该听证会上唯一的证交会雇员。

    Kotz is the only SEC employee set to testify .

  10. 在实际意义上,美国证交会正借助奖金鼓励举报;过去4年该机构总计支付了逾5000万美元的奖金。

    And in practical terms the SEC is trying to encourage more tips by paying bounties , with more than $ 50m awarded in the past four years .

  11. 列车高速通过时,屏蔽上出现类似列车交会时的压力波动。

    There is a pressure wave on the shield door when a train passes through at high-speed , which is similar to the pressure wave when two train pass by each other .