
  • 网络Axial vibration
  1. 借助Melnikov函数和Galerkin方法,用解析预测方法分析非线性嵌岩桩轴向振动时的混沌行为。

    Chaotic behavior of nonlinear rock-socketed pile in axial vibration is analysised by the analytic prediction method , using the Melnikov function and the Galerkin method .

  2. 长行程船用柴油机轴系轴向振动特性的分析

    Analysis of characteristic of axial vibration in low-speed long-stroke marine engine

  3. 基于OpenGL和Pro/E的轴向振动钻削仿真技术的研究

    Research on Vibration Drilling of Axial Direction Based on OpenGL and Pro / E

  4. 在本论文的第二章中,主要利用传统的线性雷诺方程和Couette流方程,理论上推导了悬浮转子轴向振动、径向振动的压膜阻尼系数和绕Z轴旋转的滑膜阻尼系数。

    The squeeze film damping coefficients at axial vibration , radial vibration and the sliding film damping coefficient at Z-axis rotation are derived respectively .

  5. 开展了MQL技术在轴向振动钻削中的应用研究。

    The research of application of MQL on vibration drilling has been developed .

  6. 论文在分析铜冷却壁结构特点和紫铜材料加工性能的基础上,提出以低频轴向振动切削技术和BTA深孔加工相结合的深孔加工方案。

    Based on structure characteristics of copper staves and the machining performance of Purple copper , the scheme of the deep-hole drilling based on low frequency axial cutting technology and BTA deep-hole drilling is suggested ;

  7. 锯片振动及磨损过程对硅晶片表面粗糙度、弯曲度和TTV的影响。采集从新锯片开始锯切到失效整个过程中,锯片径向和轴向振动信号。

    The effect between vibration of the blade , its abrasion and the wafers ' surface roughness , warp and TTV . Sample the radial and axial vibration of the blade , and carry on power cepstrum , frome a new ID saw blade slicing till to its invalidation ;

  8. 微细深孔超声轴向振动钻削装置的设计

    Design of Ultrasonic Longitudinal Vibration Drilling Device for Micro Deep Holes

  9. 稳态条件下变压器绕组轴向振动特性研究

    Research on axial vibration characteristics of transformer windings under steady condition

  10. 基于动柔度修改的轴向振动控制系统鲁棒性分析

    Robustness analysis of axial vibration control based on receptance modification method

  11. 轴向振动钻孔工艺参数对切削力的影响

    Effect of Process Parameters on Cutting Force under Axial Vibrating Drilling

  12. 微小孔旋转超声轴向振动钻削技术研究

    Study on Technology of Rotary Ultrasonic Longitudinal Vibration Drilling for Micro Holes

  13. 大型发电机组轴向振动故障的分析及对策

    Analysis of axial vibration fault of large generator set and its countermeasures

  14. 基于多时间尺度法的桩基轴向振动分析研究

    Analysis on Axial Vibration of Piles by Multiscale Time Method

  15. 电磁动态挤出机螺杆轴向振动研究

    Screw 's axial vibration of electromagnetism dynamic polymer mold extruder

  16. 充液管道流固耦合轴向振动的对称模型

    A symmetric model of liquid filled pipe in axial vibration

  17. 螺栓连接接口轴向振动能量耗散特性研究

    Study on Energy Dissipation of Axial Vibration in Bolted Joint

  18. 轴向振动钻削提高钻孔定位精度研究

    Study on axial vibration drilling to improve positioning accuracy guide twist drill

  19. 轴向振动钻削过程及其切屑长度分析

    An Analysis of the Process of Axial Vibration Drilling and Chip Length

  20. 注射预塑过程中轴向振动效应的研究

    Research of axial oscillation effect in injecting preplasticizing process

  21. 轧钢机主传动系统轴向振动固有频率分析

    Analysis of the Axial Vibration Eigen Frequences for the Mill Main Transmission System

  22. 汽轮发电机轴承轴向振动超标的原因与综合治理

    Analysis of Excessive Axial Vibration of Bearing of Electricity Generator and Its Countermeasures

  23. 轴向振动钻削切削力的分析

    The Analysis of the Cutting Force in Longitudinal Vibration

  24. 柔性转子支承系统的轴向振动

    Investigation of Axial Vibration of a Flexible Rotor-bearing System

  25. 轴向振动钻削中Tc/T的研究

    Study on T_c / T while Axial Vibration Drilling

  26. 埋地管线轴向振动特性的行波方法分析

    Analysis of Behaviour of Axial Vibration of Buried Pipelines By Travelling Wave Method

  27. 柴油机船推进轴系装置轴向振动

    Axial Vibration of Marine Diesel-engined Propulsion Shafting System

  28. 6120型车用发动机曲轴轴向振动的分析研究

    Research and Analysis of Axial Vibration of Crankshaft in Model 6120 Vehicle Diesel Engine

  29. 低频轴向振动铰孔机床的改造

    Refitting an Lathe to Low-frequency Axial Vibration

  30. 大型船舶主柴油机轴系轴向振动的非接触测量

    The Non - contact Measuring of Axial Vibration for Marine Propulsion System of Large Ships