
  • 网络hub;boss;propeller boss;hub-and-spokes
  1. 轴毂固定联接结构的一种创新设计

    A kind of innovation design on fixed connection structure for axle and hub

  2. 胶接&过盈轴毂联接的设计分析

    Design analysing of gluing shrink axle hub connecting

  3. 弹性环轴毂联接参数的选择

    Parameter Selection of Axiotron with Hub of Sp ring Ring

  4. 基于理论概率法的轴毂过盈联接的精度设计

    The Precision Design of the Axle-Hub Overfull Link Based on Theoretical Probabilistic Method

  5. 轴毂过盈联接的应力分析和接触边缘效应

    Research on stress analysis and contacting edge effect for interference fit joint of hub

  6. 车轴设计参数对轴毂配合接触压力影响的研究

    Research on the Influence of Axle Design Parameters on Contact Pressure between Axle and Hub

  7. 卸船机减速箱轴毂应力分析和疲劳寿命预测

    Stress Analysis and Fatigue Life Prediction of Shafts and Hubs in Reducer of Ship Unloader

  8. 过盈配合与平键连接是两种常见的轴毂单一连接以及扭矩传递方式。

    Interference fit and flat key are the two most common forms of connection and torque transmission .

  9. 轴毂连接用来实现轴与轴上零部件之间的固定并传递运动和扭矩,是机械传动的必要环节。

    Shaft-hub connection is used to realize the fixation of shafts and the parts on them and is an essential section in mechanical transmission .

  10. 与经典的力学方法相比,用有限元方法可以有效地分析复杂形状轴毂过盈配合的各种问题,从而提高轴毂过盈配合设计的可靠性。

    Compared with the classical mechanics method , the FE method can effectively simulate the interference fit joint of the wheel and shaft with complicated shape to increase design reliability .

  11. 当轮子受到径向力的作用时,中心轴毂便不在轮缘形状的中心。

    When the wheels are subjected to the function of the radial force , the hub of the central shaft is not on the center of the shape of the wheel hubs .

  12. 用弹性力学和有限元方法对轴毂过盈联接进行了详细的分析,据此指出了弹性力学方法的弊端和有限元方法的优势。

    A detailed analysis on interference fit of hub was carried out by means of elastic mechanics and finite element method , in view of the above , the shortcomings of elastic mechanics method and the advantages of finite element method have been pointed out .

  13. 成形联接轴/毂孔数控车削加工的研究

    Research on CNC Turning of Forming Connection Shaft / Hub Hole

  14. 并对锥度1∶20的成形联结中典型零件&三角形轴/毂孔进行了加工实验。

    The experiments on a typical forming connection , a triangular shaft / hub hole with conicity of 1:20 are carried out .

  15. 提出以高响应伺服刀架为基础,采用计算机控制技术和迭代学习控制策略,以车削的方法加工成形联接轴/毂孔;

    S : A CNC turning process , which is based on high speed servo carriage , computer control and iterative learning control law , for manufacturing forming connection shaft / hub is presented .

  16. 为保证加工精度或进给伺服系统的稳定性,数控机床进给传动机构的轴、毂联接应采用改进的键、销联接结构或过盈、胀紧联接结构。

    To ensure the machining precision or the stability of the feeding servo system , the bonding structures between shaft and hub should adopt the improved keys and pins or adopt the interference fit and close fit in the feeding mechanisms of numerical control machine tools .

  17. 目前,大多数大型船舶都采用液压无键联接形式来固定螺旋桨轴和桨毂的相对位置。

    At present , many large ships adopt hydraulic keyless installation method for fixing the relative position of propellers and hubs .