
gōng chě
  • gongche, a traditional Chinese musical scale;notes in traditional Chinese musical scale
工尺 [gōng chě]
  • [notes in traditional Chinese musical scale] 我国民族音乐音阶上各个音的总称,也是乐谱上各个记音符号的总称。符号各个时代不同,现在通用的是:合、四、一、上、尺、工、凡、六、五、乙

工尺[gōng chě]
  1. 提出了工尺谱乐谱显示和重建方法。

    It presents a method for displaying and reconstructing the GCN musical scores .

  2. 而我们中国古代人用的就是工尺谱。

    But ancient Chinese used the Gongche notation .

  3. 工尺谱本在口传体系中,处于何等位置、扮演何类角色?

    What kind of role does Gong Che notation play in oral transmission system and where is its position ?

  4. 工尺谱是中国传统音乐的主要记谱方法,常见的大多数中国传统乐器的乐谱都以工尺谱为载体进行传承,如琵琶工尺谱等。

    Gong-Che Notation ( GCN ) is a major notation method of Chinese traditional music , which is inherited as the vector by the music of the most common Chinese traditional musical instruments , such as Pipa GCN .