
  • 网络Working range;Rmin-Rmax
  1. 永恒的高度起升高度和工作幅度较大,起重力矩大。

    High lifting height and extend rang , heavy lifting moment , etc.

  2. 塔式起重机(以下简称塔机)作为起重运输设备,有着起吊高度高、工作幅度大等优点,广泛应用于建筑施工环境中,创造了很好的经济效益和社会效益。

    As equipment for hoisting and conveying , Tower Crane has advantages of high lifting height and large working range . It is widely used in domestic construction and creates economic and social benefits .

  3. 而且,全地面起重机在塔臂工况下作业时,臂架结构自重及工作幅度都较大,这将导致在回转起、制动过程产生更为显著的动载荷。

    Moreover , the larger structure weight and working range of the all-terrain crane in tower jib case result in the more significant dynamic response in the process of start-up or brake during the slewing motion .

  4. 目前,建筑行业进入了一个快速发展的时期,塔式起重机因具有较高的起升高度、较大的工作幅度和较小的占地空间等优点在建筑施工中得到了广泛的应用。

    At present , the construction industry has entered a rapid development period . Tower cranes have been widely used in building construction because of its higher lifting height , larger working range and smaller occupation of land .

  5. 轻放工作面大幅度扇形调斜技术实践

    Large Range Sector Roll Steering Technology Practice of Caving Mining Face with Light-style Powered Support

  6. 试点测量结果表明,找矿效果良好,工作效率大幅度提高。

    These measures show satisfactory ore prospecting results and can greatly raise the working efficiency .

  7. 总统打算突击处理少年犯罪,并对警察和监狱工作进行大幅度的改革。

    The president is to launch a blitz on teenage crime accompanied by drastic reform of the police and prison services .

  8. 总之,应用该信贷客户综合评价系统后,中信银行信贷管理部门的工作成本大幅度降低,客户评价信息的维护和管理更为便捷,工作效率大大提高。

    Anyway , application of the entire system greatly reduced operating costs , and improved the efficiency of CITIC Bank credit management .

  9. 如果一年中球罐的工作压力变化幅度不大,则可取平均工作压力来计算容积的增大值。

    If the variation of operation pressure of spherical tank is negligible in one year , the mean operation pressure must be taken to calculate the increment of volume .

  10. 本研究工作可以大幅度地提高数据库的性能,可以实现医学图像高级语义信息如病理特征、异常结构及其位置关系等的检索。

    The above improvements enhanced the retrieval efficiency and can search the image by high-level semantic information such as the diagnosis , the abnormal structure and their positional relationship .

  11. 对谷歌员工的采访表明,如果他们离开旧金山前往加州另一个地区,如塔霍湖,远程工作的降薪幅度会高达25%。

    Discussions with Google employees suggest pay cuts as high as 25 percent for remote work if they left San Francisco for another area of California such as Lake Tahoe .

  12. 该项研究的目的在于控制精密播种机土壤工作部件小幅度输出功率谱密度,获得适合农业技术要求的田间植株分布。

    This study was aimed to control small amplitude output power spectrum density of soil-engaging machine components of precision seeder in order to obtain an ideal field seed distribution to meet with agricultural requirements .

  13. 最后,开始切入本课题研究的核心部分即如何找准着力点,积极创新党建工作,大幅度提升国企核心竞争力。

    Finally , the study began to cut into the core of this issue about how to find focus , active and innovative work of party building , greatly enhance of the core competitiveness of state enterprises will be gained .

  14. 尽管宏观数据显示,美国已经从最近的一次经济衰退中恢复——2015年工作机会增长幅度达到自1990年代以来不曾有过的程度——但有调查问卷显示,很多美国人觉得自己的工作和财务状况并不稳固,并为此感到焦虑。

    Though the macroeconomic statistics suggest the United States has recovered from the last recession - job growth in 2015 reached levels not seen since the 1990s - surveys show that many Americans feel vulnerable and anxious about their jobs and finances .

  15. 2002年初,央行选择8个县农村信用社进行利率市场化改革试点工作,大幅度提高了利率浮动范围。这8家信用社存款利率最高可上浮50%,贷款利率最高可上浮100%。

    At the beginning of 2002 , the central bank chose eight rural credit cooperatives as the experiment units of interest rate liberation : greatly increased the band by setting a ceiling of 50 % for deposit rates and of 100 % for lending rates .

  16. 2006EMBA排行榜还显示,欧洲EMBA课程毕业生不论在哪里工作其薪酬增长幅度都是最大的。

    The ranking also shows that wherever they work , alumni of programmes in Europe experience greater increases in salaries .

  17. 信息技术(IT)领域的工作职位将会大幅度增加。

    The number of jobs in information technology will rise dramatically .

  18. 此控制法有利于输入电压工作范围的大幅度扩大,以及较好的输出电压校准。

    This results in a wider range of allowed source voltage , and also in improved output voltage regulation .

  19. 矿山机械化连续开采能极大地提升矿山一线工人的安全保障,降低工作强度,大幅度地提高生产效率。

    The mechanized continuous mining method can improve the safety for miners , reduce the working intensity and greatly boost the production efficiency .

  20. 齿面经过脉冲电化学光整加工后表面粗糙度低、微观几何形貌平滑,不仅使齿轮寿命大幅度提高而且工作噪音也大幅度降低。

    The lower surface roughness and smooth microform by electrochemical finishing not only enhance highly the life of gear , but reduce the noise .

  21. 对女性而言,较高室温所带来的工作效率提高的幅度比男性工作效率下降的幅度“明显更大”。

    For women , the increase in performance while working in warmer temperatures was " significantly larger " than the decrease in male performance .

  22. 在近二十几年的高失业率,国内工作数量的大幅度减少过程中,大多数工作者为能有份工作而感到高兴。

    Amid the highest unemployment rate in recent decades and massive job losses around the country , most workers feel happy to at least be employed .

  23. 项目的第一步工作将是大幅度增加供应经久耐用的“杀虫剂”蚊帐,其药效一般可持续三至五年。

    The first step there will be the dramatic increase in the provision of long-lasting insecticidal nets – which remain effective for three to five years .

  24. 细化材料定额管理是客车企业的重要任务之一。搞好细化材料定额管理工作,可以大幅度降低产品成本,提高企业的经济效益。

    The refinement of the rated material management is one of important tasks for coach making enterprises because it can reduce greatly the products cost and raise economic effect .

  25. 如果阀体的材料是可以焊接的,但膨胀系数差异很大,或者工作温度的变化幅度范围较大,螺纹连接部必须进行蜜封焊。

    If the valve body material can be welded , but very different thermal expansion coefficient , or changes in operating temperature range of a larger thread junction closure weld must be honey .

  26. 为此,科学地制定新的鉴定技术规范,对鉴定过程实施严格、严谨地控制,使鉴定的工作质量、工作效率得以大幅度的改善和提高。

    Therefore , establishing new technical expertise norms scientifically can control the identification processes , which will greatly improve and enhance the identification work quality and efficiency .

  27. 本文的结论是:使用宽带薪酬体系一方面能使各类员工的工作积极性普遍增强,工作效率大幅度提高;

    This article conclusion is : The use wide band salary system on the one hand can cause each kind of staff 's work enthusiasm universal enhancement , the working efficiency large scale enhancement ;

  28. 大量的人工统计、计算、制表、填数以及分析等工作将简化为只需将原始数据键入计算机的人机对话工作方式,大幅度提高工作效率。

    The massive artificial statistics , computation , scheduling , writing data and analytic work will be instead only by typing originality data into computer with man-machine conversation mode , it advances working efficiency .