
  • 网络automatic winding machine;autoconer;ESPERO-M
  1. 在纺织企业,为生产出高质量产品,就要求自动络筒机各项动作更灵活、清纱功能更全面、张力控制更精确、防叠效果更优良。

    The production of high-quality products entails the automatic winding machine with more flexibility , more comprehensive clearing function , more precise tension control and better fine-structure effect .

  2. 细纱机后区牵伸力的设定与成纱质量关系密切;控制好自动络筒机张力与速度、用好清纱器可有效去除10万m纱疵中的短粗节和长粗节

    The relationship between the drawing force of back zone of spinning frame and yarn quality is close , the short and long slubs of 100 kilo meter yarn faults can be reduced by controlling the tension and the speed of automatic winding machine and using the right electronic cleaner

  3. 高效使用Processconer21C新型自动络筒机

    High-efficiency use of Process coner 21C automatic spooler

  4. UGⅡ在自动络筒机设计中的应用

    Application of UG ⅱ in the design of auto winder

  5. KarlMayer公司的自动络筒机和自动双向络筒机

    Karl Mayer Automatic Cone Winders and Duplex Winders

  6. ESPERO型自动络筒机主箱体零件压铸型浇道的设计

    Design of Die Pouring Way of Main Case Part for ESPERO Type Automatic Winder

  7. 浅谈SAVIOESPER-MF型自动络筒机的主要技术特点

    Analysis on Main Specification of SAVIO ESPER-MF Auto-Doffing Machine

  8. Hacoba公司的缝纫线工业用全自动络筒机的最新发展

    The Hacoba Further Development in Fully Automatic Winders for the Sewing Thread Industry

  9. ESPERO-M型与NO.21C型自动络筒机的工作效率分析

    Analysis on the Work Efficiency of Two Types of Auto-winders : ESPERO-M and NO.21C

  10. 21C型自动络筒机的络纱张力自动控制系统进行了深入分析,提出混合环控制是自动络筒机络纱张力控制系统的发展趋势。

    21C auto winder , based on which it claims that mixed loop control represents the development trend of tension control system on automatic winding machine .

  11. 本文实现了一种基于CAN总线控制器SJA1000的自动络筒机通信系统方案,并对CAN总线通信协议及SJA1000的基本原理结构、功能特点进行了描述。

    This paper realizes a communication system scheme for auto-winder based on CAN-bus controller SJA1000.The communication protocols of CAN-bus , and the principle and functions of SJA1000 are described .

  12. 典型的自动络筒机自动接头系统的信号控制

    The Controlling and Monitoring of Winders ' Automatic Broken-end Piecing Systems

  13. No.7-Ⅶ型村田自动络筒机主控系统分析

    Analysis of Main-control System of No.7 - ⅶ Mach Coner Automatic Winder

  14. 新型自动络筒机关键机构的分析与研究

    Analysis and Research on Key Mechanism of New-Style Automatic Winder

  15. 村田7-Ⅱ型半自动络筒机效率和质量关系的探讨

    Relations Between Yarn Quality and Efficiency of Murata 7 - ⅱ Semi-auto Winder

  16. 自动络筒机空气捻接器基准的调试

    Standard adjustment for the air splicer of Automatic winder

  17. 自动络筒机液压系统故障分析与改进

    Technical reconstruction of automatic resembling bobbin machine hydraulic system

  18. 粘胶纱在自动络筒机上的工艺探讨

    A Study on the Processing Technique of Rayon Yarn on the Auto Winding Machine

  19. 自动络筒机的机电一体化技术简析

    Mechatronic Technique Analysis of Auto - Winding Machine

  20. 虚拟设计技术及其在自动络筒机设计中的应用

    Virtual Design Technology ( VDT ) and Its Application in the Design of Automatic Winder

  21. 自动络筒机络纱张力控制分析

    Analyse on tension controling for automatical winder

  22. 关于自动络筒机节纱的思考

    Research on Yarn Saving of Auto-winder

  23. 新型自动络筒机的性能比较新编辑手记

    Comparison of the new Automatic Coners

  24. 我国的自动络筒机市场全部由德、意、日等外国所垄断。

    The market of automatic-winder in China is almost monopolized by Germany , Italy and Japan .

  25. 新一代自动络筒机的性能比较

    Comparing new types of automatic winder

  26. 用自动络筒机取代普通络筒机是大势所趋。

    It is a trend that the auto winding machine will substitute the traditional winding machine .

  27. 槽筒是自动络筒机上用于卷绕成形的关键零件。

    The grooved drum is a shaped part which is widely used in bobbin winding machines .

  28. 浅析自动络筒机技术的发展

    Development of Auto - winding Machines

  29. 铝合金高速切削技术在自动络筒机零件加工中的应用

    Application of Aluminum Alloy High-speed Cutting Technology Used in the Processing of Parts of Automatic Cone Winder

  30. 研究自动络筒机空气捻接器的捻接原理。

    And also , the yarn motion in the splicing nozzle and the splicing principle has been studied .