
  • 网络automatic transmission;CVT;AMT
  1. 越野汽车液力变矩器和机械自动变速系统的控制理论与试验

    Control Theory and Test on TC and AMT System of Off-road Vehicle

  2. 汽车自动变速器数据采集及故障诊断系统设计

    Design of Data Acquisition Analysis and Failure Diagnosis System for Vehicle AMT

  3. 这辆车装配了自动变速器。

    The car was fitted with automatic transmission .

  4. 它的发动机与一个半自动变速箱相连接。

    Its engine is coupled to a semiautomatic gearbox

  5. 基于Matlab的自动变速汽车传动匹配仿真研究

    Simulating Study about the Power-train Matching Basing on Matlab

  6. 基于ADAMS的双蹄块式自动变速器仿真研究

    Dynamic Characteristics Simulation of Dual Shoe-type Automatic Transmission Based on ADAMS

  7. 汽车新型六速自动变速器的CAE分析研究

    CAE Analysis and Study on a New Automotive Six-speed Automatic Transmission

  8. 多类分类SVM在工程车辆自动变速挡位决策中的应用

    Application of Shift Decision for Automatic Transmission of Engineering Vehicle Based on Multi-class Classification SVM

  9. 研究自动变速控制策略和电子功率优化控制策略,建立自适应模糊PID控制模型。

    Research the automatic transmission control strategies and electronic power optimization control strategy , establish adaptive fuzzy PID control model .

  10. 基于DSP的液力自动变速器ECU的硬件设计

    DSP-based Automatic Transmission ECU Hardware Design

  11. 6档自动变速器和CVT对燃油经济性的贡献

    Six-Speed Automatic Transmissions and CVT ′ s to Support Fuel Economy

  12. 一种新型电液伺服系统在机械自动变速器(AMT)中的应用研究

    Research on a New Electric and Hydraulic Servo System Used in AMT

  13. 机械自动变速器(AMT)换档规律的研究

    A Study on the Shifting Strategy of Automated Manual Transmission

  14. 简单介绍了电子控制单元(ECU)和电子控制自动变速系统。

    Also introduced in the paper are ECU ( electronic control unit ) and electronically controlled automatic speed changing system .

  15. 从提高传动效率和节能的角度出发,提出用PLC(可编程序控制器)和HMI(人机界面)控制电液自动变速器(4D180型)的全新控制方案。

    In view of saving energy and enhancing transmission efficiency , a new PLC and HMI based shift control to4D180 hydraulic torque converter is proposed .

  16. 本文首先介绍了电控机械式自动变速器(AMT)的发展概况、控制原理、控制装置组成、液压执行机构;

    The paper firstly introduces AMT development summarization , control principle , control equipment composing , and hydraulic execution organization ;

  17. 通过CIVIC轿车自动变速器故障的维修实例,介绍了液压控制锁定系统,阀体的结构、原理,以及自动变速器的基本检查、维修方法。

    This paper gives an account of the hydraulic control locking system and the valve structure . The basic inspection and maintenance methods are mentioned .

  18. 详细论述了一个用于机械式自动变速器(AMT)控制系统的解析冗余故障诊断方法。

    The paper stated in detail an analytical redundancy fault diagnosis method of automated mechanical transmission ( AMT ) control system .

  19. 目前国内的AMT自动变速箱研究主要集中在提高系统可靠性、适应性和降低成本上。

    At present , the research of AMT automatic transmission in our country focuses on improving system reliability , flexibility and lowering costs .

  20. AMT(电控机械式自动变速器)具有传动效率高、制造成本低等一系列优点,具有良好的应用前景。

    AMT ( Automated Mechanical Transmission ) with high transmission efficiency , low manufacturing costs , a series of advantages , with good prospects .

  21. 国内重型车采用AMT自动变速技术既可以保留原有的手动变速器生产线,又可大大节省用于重建专业生产线及设备的投资。

    The development and production of AMT may retain previous product line of manual transmission and greatly save the investment for reconstruction of professional production line and equipment .

  22. 针对轿车自动变速器电子控制单元所需的外围参数,模拟ECU工作时所需的汽车行驶环境,研制开发自动变速器电子控制器测试仿真台。

    According to the peripheral parameter for automatic transmission ECU working , we simulate the road environment , research and develop the testing Simulative system of automatic transmission ECU .

  23. 针对AMT自动变速技术中的重要部分即换挡控制系统,本文引入神经网络智能控制技术.构造档位决策模型、离合器接合速度控制模型,从而设计了自动变速器换档控制系统。

    This paper introduces intelligent neural network control technique to tectonic model stalls , Clutch speed control model , and designs an automatic warts - mission shift control system .

  24. 最后在工程车辆电控系统试验台上进行了台架试验,对本文开发的四参数节能换档决策和ECU的自动变速控制都进行了试验验证。

    Finally , a testing experiment on test-bench of transmission system is carried out to validate the availability of rule and test the integrated performance of automatic transmission control system .

  25. 本文的目的是阐述GM公司的Alison变速箱工程部设计和制造的‘MD’自动变速箱的有关部件的设计特点。

    The purpose of this paper is to describe the design features of the ' MD ' automatic transmission related components designed and manufactured by Allison transmission division of General Motors Corporation .

  26. 自Genesis豪华轿车和轿跑面世两年后,现代推出了该车的改良版,新版拥有更加犀利的外形、更强劲的动力并配备全新八速自动变速箱。

    Two years after introducing its Genesis sedan and coupe , the automaker is bringing out a face-lifted version with styling nips and tucks , as well as a more powerful engine and new eight-speed automatic transmission .

  27. 该项目是我公司为大众汽车自动变速(大连)有限公司DSG项目配套。

    Flange shaft is served for the project of the DSG of the Volkswagen Automatic Transmission ( Dalian ) Co. , Ltd.

  28. AVELING汽车自动变速箱工作原理分析

    Analysis of the Operation Principle of the Automatic Gearbox of AVELING Trucks

  29. 电控机械式自动变速器主要有电子式和电液式两种,电子式的AMT可控性好,但其价格昂贵;

    Now , the automated manual transmission has two main types & electronic AMT and electronic-hydraulic AMT . The electronic AMT is easy to control , but its price is very high ;

  30. 提出了ZL50装载机自动变速电控操纵系统的整体方案。

    The overall arrangement of automatic shift electronic control system for ZL50 loader is introduced .