
zì xuǎn dònɡ zuò
  • optional exercise;voluntary exercise;free pose;optional program
  1. 花样游泳踩水技术要根据其自身特点,掌握好基础技术,结合自选动作来安排每一次的训练。

    The training of the skill of tread water in figure swimming was arranged every time must according its characteristic , master basic techniques , combine the optional exercise .

  2. 花样游泳包括规定动作和自选动作两项。

    Synchronized swimming includes the technical routines and free routines .

  3. 每项比赛都有规定动作和自选动作。

    There are compulsory and voluntary exercises in every event .

  4. 健身秧歌自选动作创编的探讨

    Study on the Composition of Optional Movement for Fitness Yang-Ger

  5. 双杠自选动作类型与组合方式的变化

    Type and Combination of Optional Exercises of Parallel Bars

  6. 自选动作是由参赛者自已设计(挑选的)。

    Voluntary exercises are chosen by the competitor .

  7. 他非常满意地完成了5个规定动作和6个自选动作。

    He has finished the 5 required dives and 6 optional dives quite satisfactorily .

  8. 我国优秀体操运动员双杠自选动作的现状分析

    Analysis on Present State of Parallels 's Optionals in Elite Gymnastical Athletes in China

  9. 浅谈花样游泳自选动作中踩水的技术与训练

    The Study on the Skill of Treads Water of Figure Swimming and its Training

  10. 例如,男子跳板项目有5个规定动作,6个自选动作。

    For example , the men 's springboard consist of5 required dives and6 optional dives .

  11. 体操运动员在每种器械上要完成两套常规运作,一套为规定动作,另一套为自选动作。

    Gymnasts perform two sets of routines on each apparatus , one compulsory and one optional .

  12. 有难度系数限制的自选动作

    Voluntary dive with limit

  13. 自选动作是由参赛者自已设计(挑选的)。有些是规定动作,有些是自选动作。

    Voluntary exercises are chosen by the competitor . They consist of some required dives and some optional dives .

  14. 参加花样游泳世界锦标赛必须经过以下几个项目的角逐:规定动作比赛,自选动作预赛及自选动作决赛。

    For synchronized swimming world championships , the competitions shall be : technical routines , free routines and free routines final .

  15. 应进一步强化动作质量,增强动作稳定性,提高自选动作的难度储备。

    We should strengthen the compulsory moment , stress the stability of high-standard , and improve the difficulty of optional movement .

  16. 课堂角色扮演是在教学中由教师根据学生的专业特点,对教师及学生进行角色设定,根据教学内容设计规定动作,指导学生进入角色,领悟剧情,完成规定动作和自选动作。

    Role play in class is a specific project the teachers and students are designated with the features of their subjects .

  17. 自选动作比赛的每个技能动作都不应该相同,也就是说,在同一场比赛中不能重复。

    Each skill in an optional routine should be different ; that is , skills should not be repeated in the same routine .

  18. 结果表明,自选动作比赛有助于激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生结合自己所学知识,开拓视野,培养创新意识。

    The results show us favorable effects on the students in the fields of integrating their knowledge , widening their eyeshot , training their innovative consciousness .

  19. 提高自选动作难度,并积蓄一定的难度储备,是下一阶段我国蹦床运动员备战2008年第29届奥运会要解决的主要技术问题。

    It is our main task in preparing 2008 Olympic Games for the next stage to further strength compulsory movement , stress the stability of high-standard and routine movement , improve the difficulty of optional movement .

  20. 结果显示,自选成套动作的编排,应考虑到难度值计入成套最后得分这一因素;

    T he results show that the parameter of difficulty should be put into consideration during arranging the optional entire exercises , since it would affect the final score .

  21. 竞技武术太极拳自选套路难度动作发展现状研究

    A Study of the Development of Optional Skills in Tai Chi

  22. 之所以这样叫是因为每一个参赛者在比赛的几分钟内,会设计出一套符合自选音乐的动作编排。

    The title is quite descriptive because each competitor designs a routine to suit a piece of music of their choice of up to four minutes duration .

  23. 主要运用文献资料、录像资料分析、数理统计、问卷调查等方法,阐述目前我国高水平女子长拳自选套路运动员难度动作编排及完成情况特点。

    It mainly uses literature materials , video material analysis , mathematical statistics and questionnaire survey .

  24. 立足于研究我国高水平女子长拳自选套路运动员难度动作编排及完成情况的现状。

    This paper studies on arrangement present situation of difficulty movement of long-range punch optional routine to Chinese high-level female athletes .

  25. 存在问题是技术自选和自由自选动作的水位质量不如日本队;

    The existing problems are as follow : the quality of water level of optional technology and optional movement is not as good as opponent team .