
tiào tái tiào shuǐ
  • platform diving
  1. GT与IRT的比较:北京奥运会男子10米跳台跳水分析

    A Comparison of GT and IRT : An Analysis of Performance Rating of Men 's 10 Meters Platform Diving in Beijing Olympic Games

  2. 你昨天看男子跳台跳水了吗?

    Did you catch the Men 's Platform Diving yesterday ?

  3. 我国跳台跳水优秀选手起跳技术的生物力学研究

    Biomechanical Study on the Take-off Techniques of Chinese Elite Platform Divers

  4. 那年跳板项目出现,成为继最初的跳台跳水之后的新项目。

    In1908 , springboard diving was added to the original platform diving event .

  5. 跳台跳水是在距水面5至10米的硬性跳台上进行。

    And platform diving is done from a rigid platform 5 or 10 meters above water .

  6. 中国小将伏明霞获世界游泳锦标赛女子10米跳台跳水冠军。

    Chinese young pathfinder Fu Mingxia wins the diving champion of the Women's10-meter diving tower at the World Swimming Championships .

  7. 伏明霞在亚特兰大奥运会上赢得跳台跳水和跳板跳水金牌,使她成为36年来第一个获得奥运会跳水双料冠军的女选手。

    Fu Mingxia 's platform and springboard golds at Atlanta made her the first woman in36 years to win Both Olympic events .

  8. 同组的两名运动员用相同或相似的动作进行3米跳板或10米跳台跳水。

    The two divers of a team perform either on the 3-meter springboard or 10-meter platform using the same , or similar , dives .

  9. 中国13岁的小将伏明霞获得了女子跳台跳水金牌,成为有史以来第二位最年轻的奥运个人金牌获得者。

    China 's Fu Mingxia , 13 , won the women 's platform diving gold , becoming the second-youngest person to win an individual gold medal .

  10. 中国选手田亮在1999年世界杯跳水赛中以最出色的一跳赢得了男子跳台跳水的金牌。

    Tian Liang of China produced the best dive of the 1999 Diving World Cup on his way to clinching gold in the man 's platform event .

  11. 臂立跳水:跳水动作由臂立姿势起始。只在跳台跳水中使用。跳水者正在跳水时,他拍了张快照。

    Arm stand dive : A dive that begins from a handstand position , used only in platform diving . He took a photo of the plunger in action .

  12. 在跳台跳水比赛已经夺冠的伏明霞,7月31日又进入跳板项目的决赛,重重困难摆在她的面前。田赛项目有跳跃和投掷。

    Coming into the springboard finals on July 31 already the winner of the platform , Fu faced assorted difficulties . The jumping and throwing contests comprise the field events .

  13. 两天后,他和卢卡辛参加双人跳板比赛,次夺取了一枚银牌,最后,他还在单人跳台跳水中一枚铜牌。

    Two days later he and his partner , Aleksandr Dobroskok , earned silver medals in the synchronized springboard , and , finally , Sautin took the bronze medal in the individual platform .

  14. 格雷·洛加尼斯从10岁开始参加跳水比赛,在24岁的时候,他成为56年来第一个奥运会跳台跳水和跳板跳水双料冠军。

    Greg Louganis began competing in diving at age10.At age24 , he became the first man in56 years to win Olympic gold medals in diving by winning Both the platform and springboard events .

  15. 跳水者在高台边上站稳。我能从最高的跳台上跳水。

    The diver poised himself on the edge of the high board .

  16. 我能从最高的跳台上跳水。

    I can dive off the top board .

  17. 像站在跳台上的跳水姑娘,它们纵身一越,穿过重重障碍,有的来一个图马斯全旋;

    Like stood on the diving hathpace diving girl , they with one more , through obstacles , some to a figure massey whole spin ;