
  1. 与其它除氧技术比较,钢屑除氧技术具有设备购置费用低,基建投资费用小,运行费用低的特点。

    Get rid of oxygen technology to compare with other , Have equipment low to purchase expenses , investment cost little capital construction have , operate expenses low characteristic .

  2. 为了选择合适的铲运机斗容,从经济效益最优出发,对阶段某一矿块进行模拟开采,取得采场掘进工程费用、设备购置费用、铲运机的出矿效率、出矿费用4项指标。

    For this , starting from seeking the optimum economic benefit , mining simulation of an ore block on a mining level was made to obtain four indexes , namely , stope driving engineering cost , equipment purchasing cost , ore removal efficiency of scraper and ore removal cost .

  3. 在实际工作中,可以大幅降低仪器设备的购置费用。

    In the practical work , it can reduce a large sum of money using on equipment buying .

  4. 用一台该钻孔机可完成对“50”“60”两种道轨的钻孔,携带方便,降低了设备的购置费用。

    One portable three-shaft drilling machine can complete the drilling to two racks '50 '60 ' , carrying is convenient , and acquisition cost of equipment is reduced .

  5. 工程预算:分别对土地、建筑物及设备的购置和建设费用进行计算;

    Project budget : Payment for land , building and instrument is calculated .

  6. 化学泡沫超低密度水泥浆避免了固井补救措施造成的费用,而且节约了大量的机械设备购置资金和维修费用,具有较好的经济效益。

    Ultra-low density chemical foam cement slurry reduced the costs of cementing remediation and saved a lot of money for equipment purchase and maintenance .

  7. 射波刀设备、进口高能加速器设备的购置费用及机房改造费用由乙方负责承担。

    The purchase cost of the cyber knife and imported high-energy accelerator as well as the cost of engine room rebuilding are assumed by Party B.

  8. 各医院都购置了从事现代心脏外科手术所必须购置的昂贵设备之后,这些医院必须千方百计收回花费在这些设备上的购置费用,而不仅仅是提高了需要使用这些昂贵设备来加以诊治的患者们的费用。

    After hospitals buy the expensive equipment that is necessary for modern heart surgery , they must try to recover the money they have spent . To do this , they raise costs for all their patients , not just those patients whose treatment requires the equipment .