
  • 网络Fire Code
  1. 实事求是,进一步完善消防法规体系

    Based on Facts and to Perfect the Fire Code System

  2. 部分现行消防法规已滞后于社会经济和建筑业的发展。

    The current partial fire code and regulations have lagged to the social economy and the architecture industry development .

  3. 我们所有的工厂都严格执行消防法规。

    Fire regulations are stringently enforced in all our factories .

  4. 您这里用易燃材料进行装修,违反了有关消防法规。

    But the materials used in fitting-up are inflammable and against the regulations of fire-control .

  5. 借用一种类比的说法,在寻找解决之道时,我们必须严格区分灭火和制定消防法规两个任务。

    Looking for ways out , we should to use an analogy strictly differentiate between fighting the fire and drafting fire protection legislation .

  6. 随着消防法规和纺织品燃烧性标准的逐步建立和完善,对阻燃纺织品的性能要求越来越多,因此对纺织品阻燃性能的研究和探讨显得尤为重要。

    With the gradual establishment and improvement of fire regulations and standards for the flammability of textiles , there are more and more performance requirements for flame retardant textiles and the research and discussion of textiles ' flame retardancy is particularly important .

  7. 浅谈应通过消防行政法规立法解决的问题

    The problems should be solved by legislation of fire administrative regulation

  8. 为联网用户提供消防法律法规、消防常识和火灾情况等信息。

    To provide fire protection laws and regulations , common sense and alarm information .

  9. 根据国际公约的消防安全法规框架,重新起草2005年修改通报中有关船舶消防安全的草案案文;

    Refer to the frame of rules and regulations of fire safety in international convention , drafts about ship fire safety in 2005 amendment of Regulations of Domestic Ship Survey Technology should be redrafted ;

  10. 该模块以消防法律法规为依据,通过与国家建筑防火相关标准及规范相对照,调用房屋管理系统中的建筑物和房间信息详情,可以确定学校公房的耐火等级、危险等级以及房间的灭火设备情况。

    This module according to legal standards could confirm the fire resistance rating , danger class and the condition of fire safety facilities in rooms through comparison with the national building standards fire-related and pulling up the detail information of the buildings and rooms from the system for housing management .

  11. 消防规范作为法规必须强制执行。

    Fire fighting code must be forced implemented as law .

  12. 恒安文化传媒有限公司主要从事消防知识及法规的公益宣传业务。

    Is mainly engaged in the fire of knowledge and regulations of public advertising their business .

  13. 高层建筑消防电气设计是一项与现行消防法规联系紧密、政策性很强、技术性较复杂的电气设计工作。

    The fire fighting electrical design of high-rise building is a very complicated , high technical and well-connected with the present Fire Code work .

  14. 结合多年来开展消防监督工作的实践,从消防法律法规、消防安全管理体制、技术标准等方面分析了公众聚集场所消防安全监督管理存在的问题,并提出了相应对策措施。

    This paper analyzes the problems concerning fire safety management based on fire fighting practice , fire laws , fire safety management system and technology standards . The paper also put forward some solutions to them .

  15. 城市区域消防安全评估是科学有效地进行城市消防规划、部署和消防法规的制定的重要依据,对于城市建设和社会经济的协调发展具有保证和促进作用。

    City Fire-safety Evaluation is the basis of scientific fire programming and arranging . Formulation of the rules is of great importance .

  16. 因此将建筑物进行客观、准确的消防安全分级对消防监督管理、消防力量的配备、消防法律法规的制定等具有重要的指导意义。

    As the result , giving architecture an accurate fire safety grade is significant to fire control work , fire crops ' preparing , and establishment of fire laws .

  17. 第二十四条公安消防机构应当对机关、团体、企业、事业单位遵守消防法律、法规的情况依法进行监督检查。

    Article 24 Public security fire control institutions shall monitor and conduct inspection on state organs , organizations , enterprises and institutions in terms of their observance of fire control laws and regulations .