
  • 网络Illegal operation;work against job regulation;violation of regulations working;work performed against regulation
  1. 分析原因,主要有思想麻痹忽视安全的违章作业;

    This article analyses the accident causes as follows : ignoring safety , working contrary to its instruction ;

  2. 法制观念淡薄,有章不循或者违章作业以及主管部门对造成事故的直接责任者惩处不严。

    With a weak sense of legal system , the authorities in charge do not punish the persons to be responsible for the accidents properly .

  3. 食品质量安全除受环境污染或天然存在外,还有很多是由于不法商人在食品生产加工中以次充好,人为造假,违章作业等造成的。

    Apart from environmental pollution , there are many problems concerning food safety , for example , substitutes and fake product during processing , production against regulations , etc.

  4. 工人违章作业,管理人员违章指挥以及企业组织施行不安全行为等,是导致我国煤矿事故多发的主要原因。

    Workers out of operation , management personnel in violation of regulations and unsafe behavior of enterprise organization and so on , are the main reason causing our country coal mine accident for the multiple .

  5. 电力施工是高强度露天作业,流动性和机动性比较强,往往出现习惯性违章作业,所以必须加强各项安全管理工作。

    The electric power construction is a high strength open-air homework , the liquidity and flexibility are stronger , usually appearing illegal homework of habitual , so it is important to strengthen various safety management work .

  6. 结果表明:对监管者与操作者的处罚与安全收益公平分配相结合能够实现违章作业零概率,彻底杜绝违章行为。

    Finally , conclusions are drawn as follows : the combination of necessary penalty to supervisors and operators with the fair distribution of safety benefits can realize the zero-defect of operational violation , so that the violation behavior can be completely avoided .