
  • 网络illegal ads
  1. 从外在拉动到内在驱动:与违法广告决裂的力量

    From Exterior Draught To Internal Drive : The Power Of Breaking From The Illegal Ads

  2. 违法广告的治理与媒介舆论导向

    To Control the Illegal Advertisement and to Navigate the Mass Media

  3. 违法广告仍是当前广告界一个较为突出的问题。

    Illegal advertisement is a prominent problem in the current circle of ads.

  4. 希望有关部门对此违法广告严格查办!

    I hope relevant departments investigate and deal with this illegal advertisement Strict !

  5. 三个模型较好地解释了我国目前违法广告扩散现象。

    These three models can better explain the phenomena of unfair advertisements diffusion .

  6. 违法广告的社会性分析

    Social Analysis of Illegal Advertisement

  7. 与此同时,一些违法广告的负面影响问题更成为争论的焦点。

    At the same time , the negative effect of some illegal advertisements becomes the focus of public debase .

  8. 他们各自应该承担的法律责任如果不明确,势必影响到对违法广告的预防、监督与惩罚。

    If each charged obligation is not clear , it will influence on preventing , supervising and punishing for illegal advertisement .

  9. 本文从定义,致因,危害以及治理对策四个部分探讨了违法广告这种普遍的社会现象。

    This article does research into the popularity of the illegal advertisements from its define , the origin , the harm and the treatment .

  10. 且不说那些以欺诈为目的?明目张胆地瞎说的违法广告。

    Even if we don 't talk about those illegal advertisements that have cheating as a goal , and those that swindleand talk irresponsibly .

  11. 在市场经济条件下,广告的重要作用是勿庸置疑的;同样,违法广告的社会危害也是不容忽视的,其最大的危害在于对消费者利益的极大损害。

    Under the market economy , the important role of advertising is undoubtedly . While illegal advertising harm to society should not be overlooked either , and its greatest harm is to the interests of consumers .

  12. 本文首先将虚假广告和违法广告予以区分,把违法广告的构成要件厘清,明确违法广告的可诉性。

    The first of task of this paper will distinguish false advertising between illegal advertising , and then distinguish the elements of illegal advertising clearly . And make it clear that illegal advertising can be actionable .

  13. 但是在这个大好的形势下,广告也面临着十分严峻的考验:虚假性广告、误导性广告、违法广告层出不穷,对它们的监管工作收效甚微。

    However , in this good situation , the advertising industry is also facing some very severe tests : false advertising , misleading advertising , endless and illegal advertising , and little effect on their regulatory work .

  14. 这些虚假广告等违法广告的泛滥不仅在广告行业内部引起诸多波澜,而且已经成为严重的社会问题,既损害了广大人民群众的利益,又扰乱了社会市场经济的秩序。

    These false advertising and the proliferation of illegal advertisements within the industry not only in the ad cause many waves , and has become a serious social problem , not only harms the interests of the masses , but also disrupted the social market economy order .

  15. 在比较广告违背法律规则,构成违法比较广告时的表现形式是多样。

    Comparative Advertisings may break the law in many forms .

  16. 违法网络广告的法律责任问题研究

    The Study on Legal Responsibility of Illegal Network Advertisement

  17. 本部分就违法比较广告被认定为具体的不正当竞争行为进行了分析。

    This part concretely analyzes how unlawful comparative advertising is considered as unfair competition behavior .

  18. 可以看出,不正当竞争行为是最主要的违法比较广告行为,而误导行为和诋毁行为则是违法比较广告最主要、最突出的表现形式。

    Illegal Comparative Advertisings are . mostly unfair competition acts . Mislead act and defame act are the usual illegal Comparative Advertisings .

  19. 认为广告道德缺失是违法医疗广告泛滥的根本原因。引起广告道德缺失的原因主要有:医疗广告法律制度不够健全;

    In the article , it thinks that moral lacking of advertisement is the basic reason which leads to intensified illegal medical advertisement .

  20. 新疆地区的大众媒体上存在多种少数民族语言的药品广告,全疆共有五种语言的电视频道,药监部门分别监测到汉语、维吾尔语、哈萨克语三种语言的违法药品广告。

    There are five minority languages TV channel in the popular media of the xinjiang region , the drug agency have been monitored Chinese , Uighur , kazakh language of illegal drug advertising .

  21. 由于药品信息的不对称性,使违法药品广告更具有欺骗性,严重地损害同行业诚信经营者的合法权益,诱发不正当竞争,严重影响和谐社会的建设。

    Drug information asymmetry makes the illegal drug advertising more deceptive , seriously harms the legitimate rights and interests of the other honest drug operators , induces unfair competition , and seriously affects the construction of a harmonious society .

  22. 但是,在实际生活里,部分广告却存在设计维度缺失的现象,一些单纯追求经济效益,不考虑应承担的社会责任,缺少诚信、浪费资源、粗制滥造、违规甚至违法的广告屡见不鲜。

    However , in real life , there is still the phenomenon of missing design dimensions ; some simply pursue economic efficiency , not to consider their social responsibility . Lack of honesty , waste resources , crudely made , get out of line or even illegal advertising is commonplace .

  23. 论违法手机短信广告的法律规制

    On Advertising Regulation of Illegal Mobile-Phone Messages

  24. 同时在认定违法的比较广告上确立了比较完善的证据原则。

    The same time , being satisfied that unlawful comparative advertising was established on a relatively principles of evidence .

  25. 同样,违法的药品广告不但会破坏正常的市场秩序,而且严重威胁消费者的身体健康和生命安全。

    Equally , illegal medicine advertising can break the market order , and seriously threaten the health and life of the consumers .

  26. 本文通过对违法手机短信广告的概念、特征、种类进行分析,找出了我国部分地区违法手机短信广告泛滥的一些原因,并就如何从法律的角度治理违法手机短信广告提出了合理的建议。

    This essay , by analyzing the concept , character and category of illegal mobile-phone messages , finds out the reasons for their existence , and furthermore gives reasonable advices on how to regulate illegal mobile-phone messages .

  27. 电视台违法超时插播广告的性质方面,主要讲到违约和侵权两个方面。第二章讲到电视台违法超时插播广告应承担的责任,以及承担这些责任的构成要件。

    It mainly analyze the aspects of breach of contract and toothwort nature of the illegal advertisements overtime , . The second chapter is about the responsibility of the overtime , constitutive requirements and the responsibility of television illegal advertisements .