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wéi hé
  • unwell;molimen;acosmia
违和 [wéi hé]
  • [unwell] 身体失去调和而不舒适,多用作称人生病的婉辞

  • 贵体违和

违和[wéi hé]
  1. F015就算出现在迪士尼世界里也毫无违和感——但这是奔驰花费四年之力研发的杰作,全世界独此一部。

    It would not have been out of place at Disneyworld - except that the F 015 is a one-off , the single product of more than four years of Mercedes research .

  2. 正如我所说的,像我们这样无法自拔的Dota玩家,对如此违和的图案是及其敏感的。

    As I say , those of us who play Dota are stupidly passionate about it and we 'd notice an infraction of this kind pretty much instantly .

  3. 研究人员认为,这两组结论一点都不违和。

    The researchers suggested that the two sets of findings were perfectly compatible .

  4. 同样几位小花童和小傧相的脸上绽放出灿烂的笑容,却也总有那麽几位脸上露出困惑的违和的表情。

    And the mischievous smiles on the faces of some of the bridesmaids and page boys – and endearingly bewildered expressions on the others – are strikingly similar .

  5. 这位黄发巨星满身文身,还是霉霉的“好闺蜜”,看他穿着铠甲、身披红色斗篷,为大家倒黑莓酒和传递烤野味时的样子感觉略显违和。

    It was a little jarring to see the ginger megastar - a Taylor Swift bestie with copious tattoos - wearing armor and a red cape passing around blackberry wine and a charred rodent .