
wéi zhāng
  • Violation of regulations;break rules and regulations;violate (break) rules and regulations
违章 [wéi zhāng]
  • [violate (break) rules and regulations] 不符合章程规定

  • 违章行为

违章[wéi zhāng]
  1. 违章停车就可能收到罚款单。

    Park illegally , and you 're likely to be ticketed .

  2. 开车闯红灯是违章行为。

    It 's illegal to drive through a red light .

  3. 你这样做可能被记录违章。

    You risk having your licence endorsed .

  4. 他违章超速驾驶。

    He was breaking the speed limit .

  5. 由于发生事故未能报告,他的驾驶执照被注明违章。

    For failing to report the accident , his licence was endorsed

  6. 这名男子没有驾驶资格,并且违章超速行驶。

    This man was not qualified to drive and was speeding .

  7. 每年有近5,000人因违章驾车而入狱。

    Nearly 5,000 people a year are put behind bars over motoring penalties .

  8. 1990年,出租车司机鲁莽驾驶导致的违章事件总共达239起。

    Rude taxi drivers clocked up a total of 239 offences in 1990 .

  9. 他以80英里的时速开车,因而违章超速。

    He broke the speed limit by driving his car at 80 mph .

  10. 主管交通的地方法官听取了那人对自己违章停车行为的解释。

    The trattic magistrate heard the man 's explanation for getting a parking ticket .

  11. 肯尼亚首都内罗毕一位大学生那天因违章驾车被拦住。

    A university student in nairobi , kenya , was stopped for a traffic violation the other day .

  12. 她喜欢开得飞快,她说她从来没有受过违章处罚。

    She loved driving very fast , and she said that she had never been punished for a driving offence .

  13. 违章建筑区最初是通过非法的土地占有而形成的。

    The squatter settlements originally came into being through illegal land invasions .

  14. 利用PLC实现交通信号灯常规指挥,违章摄像,剩余时间显示等功能。

    The PLC is used to implement the convention direction of traffic signal light , break regulations image , remain rest time and soon .

  15. 内嵌射频卡式PDA在交通违章管理系统中的应用

    The Application in Traffic Punishment Management System Based on the PDA of Being Embedded by RF Read-Write Device

  16. 介绍了新一代网络化的城市交通违章监控系统的设计及其在Delphi平台上的具体实现。

    This paper introduces the design of a new networking urban traffic peccancy monitoring system and how to implement it by using Delphi .

  17. 他违章超速驾驶,结果将昂贵的名车撞到树上,他终于看到他的奔驰车(Mercedes)是怎样撞弯(bends)的。这句话的幽默之处是将MercedesBenz(奔驰车)中的Benz,故意改写成bends。

    He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends .

  18. 然后在分析了基于嵌入式PLC的软件分层设计原理后,详细阐述了基于嵌入式PLC驱动层的测速原理与流程以及梯形图的违章逻辑控制设计流程。

    Then analysis the principles of the software which is layered designed , expatiate the flow of the speed measurement on the driver layer and logic control on the ladder layer .

  19. 由嵌入式PLC控制数码相机外接快门,实现抓拍控制,提高了整个系统对数码相机的兼容性,做到违章抓拍与数据传输相分离。

    The external digital camera shutter is controlled by the Embedded PLC , and the compatibility of the system is improved , it can separate the illegal capture from the data transmission .

  20. 非法住房、违章住房建筑10T锅炉房屋(土建)

    Illegal housing 10t boiler room ( civil construction )

  21. 然后,采用Logistics回归模型以信号控制交叉口人行横道为例对行人违章穿越行为影响因素选择进行建模和参数标定,分析了主要影响因素在违章穿越行为中的作用。

    Then , a choice model of pedestrian violation behavior was constructed by adopting Logistics regression model and the model parameters were calibrated . The role of the main influencing factors in pedestrian violation behavior was analyzed .

  22. 事故主要是由于违章及误操作以及对H2S的毒害认识不够、安全意识差引起的。

    The accident are mainly caused by violation , misoperation , limit knowledge to the H2S hazards and weak safety awareness .

  23. 这些公司不解决FDA警告信内说的违章行为而冒险执行继续生产不合法产品。

    Firms that do not resolve violations in FDA warning letters risk enforcement such as injunctions against continuing violations and seizure of illegal products .

  24. 实验证明此算法对常见的信号处理(如噪声、滤波)与JPEG压缩后,水印仍然可以被提取出来,而对违章图像进行剪切和涂鸦处理后能明显的辨别出是否被篡改过。

    After experimental proof of a common signal processing ( such as noise , filtering ) and JPEG compression , the watermark can still be extracted .

  25. 并在CCS开发环境下利用C语言编写相应的函数模块,实现了从交通场景的视频数据采集,检测,跟踪,违章行为监控为一体的系统。

    In the environment of CCS , the corresponding function module is written in C. An integrative system includes video data picking from the traffic scene , violations monitoring , detecting , tracking and monitoring the violated behavior .

  26. 第五章以TPB理论为基础,论述了森林公园游客违章行为相关变量的含义及其相互关系,构建了森林公园游客违章行为发生机制的理论模型。

    Taking theory of planed behavior as the foundation , the theory model of forest park tourist peccancy occurrence mechanism was constructed in fifth chapter .

  27. 《波兰可女士》(LadiesDePolanco)是2011年上传至YouTube的一段视频,视频拍摄于墨西哥城繁华的波兰可区,在视频中,两名醉酒的女性对查处了她们的交通违章行为、责令其停车的警察进行了人身攻击。

    LadiesDePolanco , a video uploaded to YouTube in 2011 , showed two drunken young women in Mexico City 's posh Polanco neighborhood insulting police who pulled them over for a traffic violation .

  28. 交通警务通系统是采用Web、PDA、手机等多种访问方式,通过先进的网络、计算机信息和软件技术,实现交管信息海量数据的实时动态查询,违章行为现场快速处罚等功能。

    Adopting multiple access methods , such as Web , PDA , mobile phone and so on , this system provides real-time , dynamic query of traffic management data , quick field penalty to violations based on advanced network , computer information and software technologies .

  29. 论文重点介绍了PWAS信息中心子系统的功能划分、设计与实现,深入讨论了业务需求查询、违章录入、数据分发功能模块,总结分析了设计和开发过程中遇到的问题和解决办法。

    The paper mainly introduced function , design and implication of the Sub system of information center of PWAS , discussed farther the search of business , the save of violation , the distribution of data , summarized and analyzed the question of design and development , introduced resolution measures .

  30. 遏制读者违章之我见

    My Opinions on Inhibiting the Readers from Breaking Rules and Regulations