
  • 网络atmospheric duct propagation
  1. 以蒸发波导为代表的对流层大气波导传播,可使电波在较小的衰减下沿波导传播得很远,从而严重影响合适的无线电系统。

    Evaporation ducts , or tropospheric ducts in general , can guide radio waves to distances far beyond the horizon with less attenuation , and then severely impair some certain radio wave system .

  2. 电磁波在大气波导环境下传播特性研究

    A Study on Propagation Characteristics of Electromagnetic Wave under the Atmospheric Duct Environment

  3. 大气波导中的电波传播与环境特性研究进展

    Progress in Research of EM-Wave Propagation and Environmental Characteristic in Atmospheric Duct

  4. 海洋上大气波导中电磁波传播损耗的误差分析和敏感性试验

    Sensitivity experimentation and error analysis of electromagnetic propagation loss in ocean waveguide

  5. 电磁波在大气波导环境中的传播特性及基于遗传算法的反演研究

    Research on Propagation Characteristic of Electromagnetic Wave in Atmospheric Duct and Reversion Based on Genetic Algorithm

  6. 雷达电磁波在大气环境中会出现异常传播现象,尤其在陷获折射条件下,形成大气波导传播。

    Anomalous propagation may be appeared , while radar electromagnetic wave propagating in the atmosphere . Especially when there is atmospheric duct in the condition of trap refraction .