
  • 网络cmi;international maritime committee
  1. 国际海事委员会和国际海事组织的立法工作比较研究

    Comparative study of CMI and IMO s legislative activities ; International Marine Radio Committee

  2. 新规则可能对各国相关立法及国际海事委员会正在起草的新货物运输公约产生影响。

    The amendments might influence the relevant legislation of some countries and the draft of CMI transport law as well .

  3. 鉴于这种情况,从1996年开始,联合国贸易法委员会(UNCITRAL)联手国际海事委员会(CMI)共同努力,重新审查国际海上货物运输法律制度,着手起草统一的海上运输国际公约。

    Considering this situation , the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law ( UNCITRAL ) invited International Maritime Committee ( CMI ) to draft a united International Convention on Maritime Transportation from 1996 .

  4. 大会由国际海事委员会全体会员组成;

    The Assembly shall consist of all members of the Comite Maritime International ;

  5. 国际海事委员会设在比利时的安特卫普。

    The domicile of the Comite Maritime International is established in Antwerp , Belgium .

  6. 国际海事委员会(海委会)国际海运工业协会委员会

    International Council of Marine Industry Association

  7. 国际海事委员会大会

    International Maritime Committee Congress

  8. 他还为波罗的海国际海事委员会,日本航运交易所,新加坡海事协会和中国船东保赔协会教授课程。

    He also conducted courses for BIMCO , Japan Shipping Exchange , Singapore Shipping Association and China P & I Club .

  9. 对国际海事委员会的宗旨感兴趣的国际组织可以被接纳为会员,但不享有表决权。

    International Organizations which are interested in the object of the Comite Maritime International may be admitted as members but shall not be entitled to vote .

  10. 在国际海事委员会制定运输法草案的过程中,各国代表团对是否应该取消航海过失免责的意见并不统一。

    The opinions on whether the nautical fault exemption should be eliminated from every delegation were disunion during drafting the Draft Instrument on Transport Law by CMI .

  11. 第七章针对船舶油污责任、损害赔偿的不同法律适用问题结合国际海事委员会制定的油污损害指南加以比较论述。

    Comparing the oil pollution Damage Guidance enacted by CMI , the seventh chapter discusses the problems such as the liability in oil pollution and the different legal application in damage compensation .

  12. 国际海事无线电委员会国际航海无线电委员会

    International Radio-Maritime committee International Marine Radio Committee

  13. 为了统一现行国际运输法规,联合国贸易法律委员会委托国际海事委员会起草了新的国际运输法。

    In order to unify the international maritime law , CMI set up the international Sub-Committee to draw up the new law-the Draft Instrument .