
  • 网络international marketing channels
  1. 国际营销渠道中文化差异对于跨组织沟通行为的影响

    Impact of Cultural Difference on Interfirm Communication in International Marketing Channels

  2. 国际营销渠道在电子商务环境下的变迁与整合

    Transition and Integration of International Marketing Channels in the Environment of E-Business

  3. 基于竞争力提升的SY公司国际营销渠道管理研究

    SY Company International Marketing Channel Research Based on Competitive Forces Promotion

  4. 第四部分是对KYD电器国际营销渠道模式选择效果的总结、评价和启示。

    Chapter 4 includes summary , evaluation and revelation from the case of KYD international distribution channel mode selecting .

  5. 知识经济条件下国际营销渠道的变革趋势与策略

    Features and Tactics of International Marketing Channel in Knowledge-based Economic Conditions

  6. 新经济环境下国际营销渠道的创新与整合

    The Innovation and Integration of International Marketing Channel under New Economy

  7. 首先,运用网络营销开拓国际营销渠道,开辟国际市场;

    First of all , to develop international marketing channels by network marketing .

  8. 国际营销渠道的整合是基于渠道关系理论和渠道行为理论。

    The integration of international marketing channels is based on the theory of channel relationship and channel behavior .

  9. 经济全球化条件下市场特征和国际营销渠道趋势的分析

    Analyse on the Market Characteristic and the Trend of International Market Channel Under the Condition of Economic Globalization

  10. 第一部分是国际营销渠道和其依托&国际贸易的理论研究。

    Chapter 1 is aimed at the theoretical research of international distribution channels and the base , international trade .

  11. 并由此希望本文对其他市场和其他产品的国际营销渠道管理具有一定的参考和借鉴意义。

    This thesis also intends to use for reference to the management of marketing channels for the other steel products in overseas markets .

  12. 在德性与德行之间&中西哲学良知论的差异与沟通国际营销渠道中文化差异对于跨组织沟通行为的影响

    Integration between Virtue and Tugend : On the Difference and Communication between Chinese and Western Conscience View ; Impact of Cultural Difference on Interfirm Communication in International Marketing Channels

  13. 中学校长&教师沟通行为与教师职业幸福感相关研究国际营销渠道中文化差异对于跨组织沟通行为的影响

    The Relationships among the Principal 's Communication Behavior and the Teachers ' Occupational Well-being in the Middle School Impact of Cultural Difference on Interfirm Communication in International Marketing Channels

  14. 因此,国际营销渠道的选择与管理已不仅仅起到日常的管理作用,而作为企业获得国际竞争优势的重要手段。

    So the choice and management of international marketing channels is not only a way of everyday management , but more a channel for corporation to get international comparative advantages .

  15. 旅行社营销渠道的设计与管理必须以提高顾客让渡价值为中心,实现顾客让渡价值最东星国际旅行社营销渠道研究大化,从而提升核心竞争力。

    The design and management of marketing channel in the travel Service must increase the customer delivered-value , and realize the customer delivered-value maximized , and then promote the core competencies .

  16. 同时,提出了建立二、三级垂直分工体系相结合的营销渠道模式对东星国际旅行社的营销渠道进行重组和改造,以解决渠道成员间分工不明、管理混乱的问题。

    Also he uses the mode of two and three class perpendicular cent work system existing at the same time to reform the marketing channel of East-star international travel Service .

  17. 本文根据市场营销SWOT,PECT等工具对所在SH企业地毯国际营销策略进行分析,找出企业现在的发展瓶颈以及未来的国际营销渠道建设的策略。

    According to the marketing methods of SWOT , PECT and other analyzing tools , the paper focus on the carpet business where SH Business Company will make an international marketing strategy . The paper analyzes to identify bottlenecks for the development .

  18. 内容包括国际市场调研,市场定位、市场细分与目标营销策略,国际产品策略,国际定价策略,国际营销渠道策略和国际促销策略。

    It refers to the international marketing research , STP , international products , international pricing , international marketing channel and international promotion .