
  1. 由于有着跨平台的优越性能,XML逐渐成为企业间信息交换的一种标准规范。采用XML技术使企业的信息可以准确、及时、可靠地传送到对方的内部信息系统。

    With the advantage of outstanding cross-platform capability , XML has become a standard of the information exchange among enterprises and information can be sent to the internal information system of counterparts correctly , promptly and reliably .

  2. 通过对一个企业内部信息系统开发原型的研究,阐述基于J2EE的信息系统开发的基本方法、层次结构设计以及开发部署过程。

    By studying a development model of an enterprise 's internal information system , the paper expounds the basic development method , tier structure design , and development planning process based on J2EE information system .

  3. 在以前,解决企业内部信息系统信息孤岛的问题通常是采用EAI的方式。

    Beforetime , the problem of " detached island of information " in enterprise information system is usually solved with the way of adopting EAI ( Enterprise Application Integration ) .

  4. 本论文首先分析电子商务系统的集成框架,阐述了电子商务系统与企业内部信息系统的集成关系;

    First of all , the paper analyses the compositive framework of electronic commerce system ;

  5. 企业内部信息系统安全浅析

    Analysis of Enterprise Information Systems Security

  6. 该一封禁止通知函中,该拍卖网站称亚马逊曾利用其内部信息系统多次联系商家。

    In a cease and desist letter , the auction site alleged that Amazon had used its internal messaging system to repeatedly contact traders .

  7. 此外,企业内部信息系统的集成化水平不高,使信息不对称成为现代企业管理的最大障碍之一。

    In addition , loose integrated internal information system results in information asymmetry , which is considered as one of the biggest obstacles in modern enterprise management .

  8. 进入信息时代后,企业之间从单纯竞争关系转为竞争与协作关系,为此企业必须实现自身内部信息系统与外部伙伴的集成。

    After entering information age , relations among enterprises evolved from pure competitive to competitive but cooperative . Enterprises must integrate internal information system with their external partners .

  9. 并针对医药流通企业信息化建设的特点,提出了企业内部信息系统建设模式及针对企业外部信息系统的敏捷供需链建设模型。

    Based on the character of informationization for pharmaceutical commercial enterprise , we put forward the model of enterprise interior information system design and the agile supply chain model which aims at enterprise exterior information system .

  10. 银行业务的拓展与IT技术的发展,导致银行内部信息系统种类繁多,结构日趋复杂。

    The expansion of banking business and the development of IT technology make the variety of the information systems interning the banks and the increasing complexity of the structures , in order to better support the business functions .

  11. 现今许多快递企业在信息化系统建设中缺乏整体规划,造成企业内部信息系统之间不能有效地共享信息,更不能实现业务流程的协作,给企业的生产和管理带来了极大的不便。

    Since many express corporations are lack of holistic plan for their information systems building , they can not share information in their information systems and make cooperation for business flow . This result is much inconvenience for producing and management .

  12. 基于IPS原理的医院内部审计信息系统设计

    The Hospital Management Audit Information System Design Based On IPS

  13. 提出一个面向大规模定制生产的集成信息管理系统框架,该系统框架由两部分内容组成:基于InformationHub的大规模定制生产供应链信息协作共享系统和实施大规模定制生产企业内部信息管理系统。

    An integrated information management system framework is proposed . The framework is composed of two parts : Information Hub based MC supply chain information collaboration and sharing system and MC company inner information management system .

  14. 电信、银行内部综合信息系统的建设

    Construction of Internal Integrated Information System in Telecom Enterprises and Banks

  15. 物流企业内部信息发布系统栏目设计和机制探讨

    Column Design and Mechanism Exploration on Information Issuance System Within Logistics Enterprises

  16. 这种方案主要适用于企业或组织内部信息子系统相似部分多,异质结构少的集成。

    This new plan is used mainly in the integration of much sameness and less difference among sub-system in enterprises .

  17. 电子商务通过互联网可以以极快的速度实现电子化商品交易过程,但其侧重于外部交易活动,缺乏与内部管理信息系统的协调。

    E-commerce actualizes electronic dealing of goods at a high speed through Internet and puts an emphasis on the external business .

  18. 有一次我实在没招了,只得在内部即时信息系统上问大家,有没有人听说过很久以前一起叫“吉尼斯丑闻”的事件,结果每个人都听过。

    Once , excruciatingly , I asked on the internal messaging system whether anyone had heard of some ancient event called " the Guinness scandal . " Everyone had .

  19. 军队医院二级机关网站,依托军队医院内部数字化信息系统,面向医院领导及机关各部门、所辖科室及院内所有员工。

    Website of intermediate organ of military hospital should be supported by the intranet system and oriented hospital manager , each organ and department as well as each staff .

  20. 现有公司需要建立一套内部信息管理系统,为内部工作人员及经常外出的工作人员提供信息传递及信息公布。

    Here is a company which needs to set up an inner information management system for its employees and those who often go out to transfer and publicize their information .

  21. 再次,以资金管理为中心,以先进的计算机技术为手段,建立内部信息管理系统,健全财务规章制度,实现高效率的信息化管理。

    Secondly , internal information management system is established and rules and regulations of financial affairs are perfect focused on funds management and through computer technology , so high efficient informatization management system is put into effect .

  22. 介绍了北京市电信规划设计院的企业内部信息管理系统,内容包括系统的基本设计思想和目的,系统管理内容,网络拓扑和数据库结构,以及实施和应用情况。

    Introduces information management intranet system by Beijing Telecom Planning & Deigning Institue , including : basic designing concept and target of the system , management contents , network topology and database structure , system realization and implementation .

  23. 目前我国企业发展电子商务的模式还只是处于起步阶段,不成熟的地方很多,主要原因之一是企业内部管理信息系统技术创新及应用水平的限制。

    At present , in our country the mode of enterprises ' developing EC is still in primary phase , not mature at many aspects . The one of main causation is that EC is limited to the level of technical innovation and application of enterprise MIS .

  24. 建立铁路运输企业内部营销信息传播系统,必须解决好内部营销信息传播系统栏目设计、信息发布模式和Web服务器设立方法。

    Designing columns and publishing information models and establishing Web servers were must thought in establishing Inner Marketing Information System ( IMIS ) of Railway Transportation Co. .

  25. 随着Internet以及Intranet的发展,越来越多的企业开始在内部实施信息管理系统。

    With the development of the Internet and Intranet , the enterprise information administrative systems have gotten more attention and are being used more as applications .

  26. 对企业内部物流管理信息系统的应用体系结构特点进行了分析和研究,剖析了J2EE标准架构的特点与优点。在此基础上,给出了基于J2EE的物流信息系统的总体设计理念。

    On the basis of analyzing the characteristics of applying system structure in enterprise logistics MIS and J2EE standard , the paper puts forward the general design thought for logistics information system based on J2EE .

  27. 构建了一个以SAP系统为核心的,整合了各大内部和外部信息系统的集成的、统一的财务信息化体系,并分析了各项系统的集成将为公司带来的预期效果。

    Built a system to SAP as a core , and the integration of the major internal and external information system integration , unified system of financial information , and then analyses that the system integration brings the desired effect .

  28. 高速公路内部信息发布调度系统设计研究

    Research on Design of Inner-Information Release and Schedule System of Expressway

  29. 基于内部关系的信息系统约简与应用

    Relation reduction of information systems based on interior and its application

  30. 论文叙述了一个公司内部办公信息管理系统的概况。

    A paper describing the office 's internal information management system overview .