
  1. 基层行内设机构设置与操作

    Setup & Operation of Inner Organizations in the sub-branches

  2. 二级分行内设机构设置刍议

    On Installation of Inside Organization of Second-level Branch

  3. 军以上机关通过调整职能、撤并部门,减少了内设机构和人员。

    By undergoing readjustment of functions , and cutting and merging departments , internal bodies and personnel are reduced .

  4. 机构领导职数和司级内设机构领导职数。

    The number of leadership positions in the agency and that of the internal institutions at the departmental level .

  5. 加快行政机关内设机构审批职能整合工作,稳步推进现代事业制度改革试点,市级国资公司“三定”方案全面施行。

    Lots of jobs have been accelerated to integrate the functions of administrative examination and approval inside the government departments .

  6. 交海事管理机构负责法制工作的内设机构登记并妥善保管。

    And be submitted to internal body in charge of legal affairs in the maritime administrative agency for registration and proper keeping .

  7. 金融机构应当设立反洗钱专门机构或者指定内设机构负责反洗钱工作。

    A financial institution shall establish a special institution of anti-money laundering or designate an internal department to take charge of anti-money laundering .

  8. 同意负责行政执法调查的内设机构的意见,建议报批后告知当事人;

    Consenting to the opinions of the internal body in charge of administrative law enforcement investigation , and suggesting informing the parties about such opinions after submitting them for approval ;

  9. 作为一个系统概念,检察机关组织机构包含了组织体系、内设机构和检察官三个有机组成部分。

    As a systematic concept , the frame of prosecutorial organ includes the following three elements , namely the organization system , the subdivisions of the prosecutorial organ and individual procurators .

  10. 在系统和开放的意义上研究组织机构改革时,组织体系的完善是保障,内设机构改革是关键,检察官的定位是根本。

    When study the reform of organization systematically , it is discovered that improve organization system is the safeguard , the reform of inner institutions is the core , the setting of procurators is essence .

  11. 比如,混合制公司、单位的内设机构、部门等能否构成该罪的主体就存在较大分歧。

    Because of the specialty of the crime subject , there are many disputes on the adoption of the subject on some units , such as the mixed company and the internal institution or department .

  12. 行政机关的内设机构或者派出机构在没有法律、法规或者规章授权的情况下,以自己的名义作出具体行政行为,当事人不服提起诉讼的,应当以该行政机关为被告。

    In an action against a specific administrative action made in the name of an internal organization or a dispatched organization of an administrative organ without the authorization by laws and regulations , the administrative organ shall be the defendant .

  13. 省局机关共有15个内设机构(即处(室、局)),分别负责管理和指导全省的质量、监督、计量、标准化、特种设备、食品安全、质量认证等工作。

    A total of 15 provincial bureau agency internal bodies ( ie Department ( Room , Board )), are responsible for the quality of management and direction of the province , monitoring , measurement , standardization , special equipment , food safety , and quality and so on .

  14. 从设立区域性执行法院应遵循的基本原则,对执行法院的执行权分立,按照执行权分立的要求设置内设机构等方面论证了区域性执行法院的框架设计。

    The framework design of district law enforcement agency is elaborated from the perspectives of the fundamental principles that should be followed in setting up district law enforcement agency , the enforceable right detached from courts and the setting of inner institutions upon the requirements of separating enforceable right .

  15. 侦查机关内设鉴定机构的负面影响与消解

    Adverse Effects of Setting-up a Forensic Institute within the Investigation Agency

  16. 论侦查机关内设鉴定机构的法律性质

    On the Legal Nature of Forensic Science Institutions Attached to Investigation Organs

  17. 研究内容1、了解上海市企业内设医疗机构的资源配置情况。

    Understanding the current situation of the enterprise on-site clinic resources available in Shanghai . 2 .

  18. 卫生行政部门应及时对相关政策制度进行调整,以有助于企业内设医疗机构的健康发展和有效监管。

    Health administrative department shall timely make adjustments to relevant policy system , which would be helpful to the healthy development of the enterprise on-site clinics and the effective supervision . 3 .

  19. 我国大学内设高等教育研究机构功能研究

    Research on the Function of Research Institutions of Higher Education in Universities

  20. 我国应将药品价格监管的职能从国家发改委内设的价格监管机构移交至国家食品药品监督管理局。

    China 's drug prices should be regulated from the functions of the National Development and Reform Commission 's price monitoring agency to transfer the State Food and Drug Administration .