
xùn wèn
  • interrogate;question;quizzes
讯问 [xùn wèn]
  • [interrogate;question] 严厉盘问

  • 讯问房产的来龙去脉

讯问[xùn wèn]
  1. 律师费两个小时的时间讯问证人。

    The lawyer took two hours to interrogate the witness .

  2. 庞顿,我要讯问雷蒙德拉洛克。

    Ponton , I want to interrogate this man Raymond larocque .

  3. 一批嫌疑犯被拘捕接受讯问。

    A number of suspects have been hauled in for questioning .

  4. 一名男子被警方逮捕并拘押讯问。

    A man was arrested by the police and held for questioning .

  5. 嫌疑犯被带到最近的警察局讯问。

    The suspect was taken to the nearest police station for questioning .

  6. 她被拘留讯问有关火灾的事情。

    She was arrested and questioned about the fire .

  7. 他在受讯问四天之后招认了。

    He confessed after four days under interrogation .

  8. 警察今天拘留了4名执行记者进行讯问。

    Four executive journalists were detained for questioning by the police today

  9. 追查伦敦爆炸案凶犯的侦探们急于对他进行讯问。

    Detectives hunting the London bombers will be keen to interview him .

  10. 这些人被传唤,上周有30人到霍夫地方法院接受讯问。

    The men were summonsed and last week 30 appeared before Hove magistrates

  11. 对他们死因的讯问昨天在恩尼斯基林进行。

    The inquest into their deaths opened yesterday in Enniskillen .

  12. 警方讯问了司机,但是没有获得什么有用的证据。

    The police interviewed the driver , but had no evidence to go on .

  13. 我讯问了每个人,甚至连稍有关联的人都没放过。

    I interrogated everyone even slightly involved .

  14. 警察把他带到警局讯问有关一个女孩被害案件的情况。

    The police have taken him in for questioning in connection with the murder of a girl .

  15. 老师的讯问使他仓皇失措。

    The teacher 's question caught him flat-footed .

  16. 嫌疑犯被押赴警察局听候讯问。

    The suspect was marched to the police station for interrogation .

  17. 证人经原告律师讯问后,获准离开法庭。

    After further examination by the prosecution the witness was allowed to leave the court .

  18. Cross-examination交叉讯问这个证人在严密的交叉盘问之下破绽百出。

    The witness tripped up rather badly under close cross-examination .

  19. 全球最大智能手机制造商三星电子(SamsungElectronics)实际掌门人将以一桩搅乱韩国的贿赂案嫌疑人的身份接受检方讯问。

    The de facto head of Samsung Electronics , the world 's largest smartphone maker , is to be interrogated as a suspect in the corruption case roiling South Korea .

  20. 主要围绕外号“Verbal”的骗子罗杰·金特接受警方讯问展开,停靠在洛杉矶港上的船只着火,他是船上大屠杀中两名仅有的幸存者中的一名。

    The film follows the interrogation of Roger " Verbal " Kint , a small-time con man who is one of only two survivors of a massacre and fire on a ship docked at the Portof Los Angeles .

  21. 中国媒体称,船长和两名船员已被带至九州岛上的鹿儿岛市(kagoshima)接受讯问。

    Chinese media said the captain and two crew had been taken to Kagoshima City on Kyushu Island to be questioned .

  22. 自从他脱离了auror的职务,当然,这次讯问任务已经不成问题了。

    Since he was stripped of his Auror duties , however , it hasn 't been an issue .

  23. 韩国特别检察官办公室昨日表示,三星集团副董事长、推定继承人李在镕(LeeJae-yong)已被传唤,将于今日就涉嫌行贿一事接受讯问。

    Lee Jae-yong , vice-chairman and heir apparent of the Samsung group , has been summoned to appear for questioning today over suspicions of bribery , the special prosecutors " office said yesterday .

  24. 警察甚至逮捕讯问了HHH的成员,怀疑他们用于定向越野计时的粉末是恐怖袭击举动的一部分。威权者的种种过分行径应该会随着奥运的结束而减少。

    Police even detained and interrogated members of the Hash House Harriers , a beery running club , suspicious that the flour they used to mark their runs might be part of a terrorist attack .

  25. 检察人员当天曾对崛江贵文进行讯问。与崛江贵文一起被捕的还有该集团首席财务官RyojiMiyauchi,及旗下两个子公司的总裁。

    Prosecutors who had questioned Mr Horie during the day arrested the Livedoor chief together with Ryoji Miyauchi , the group 's chief financial officer , and the presidents of two subsidiaries .

  26. 我们只能从讯问材料和官方的报告拼凑出古迪娅(Gudiya)的故事,它揭露了印度的另外一种虐待行为——利用女性(其中包括许多女童)作为性工具。

    The story of Gudiya , pieced together through interviews and official reports , points to a different sort of abusive treatment : the exploitation of women , including many children , for sex .

  27. 警察把嫌疑人带到警察局讯问。

    The police brought the suspect into the station for questioning .

  28. 当警察再次讯问他时,他改了口。

    When police questioned him again , he changed his story .

  29. 证人在她和被告的关系问题上受到讯问。

    The witness was examined on her relationship with the accused .

  30. 坎农街派出所正在讯问一个年轻人。

    A youth was being questioned at Cannon row police station .