
rén mín fǎ tínɡ
  • People's Court;People's Tribunal
  1. 今年11月,国际人民法庭(InternationalPeople’sTribunal)在海牙对这场屠杀进行了庭审,借此吸引世人对这件事的关注,但印尼官员对此不予理会。

    Officials dismissed the International People 's Tribunal that met in November in The Hague to shed light on the slaughter .

  2. 人民法庭可以在授权的范围内直接受理案件。

    The people 's tribunals may directly accept cases within the scope of authority .

  3. 论和谐社会理念下人民法庭的弱司法化

    On the Feeble-justice of the People 's Courts under the Concept of a Harmonious Society

  4. 论乡镇部门与人民法庭间和谐关系的构建

    Study on the inconsistency between the town 's institution and the countermeasure and the rural people 's court

  5. 林奇法是美国独立战争期间,林奇堡的“人民法庭”“自行执法”开创的一种执法形式。

    The Lynch was founded during the American Civil War and was popular in some less developed southern states .

  6. 第二部分,我国人民法庭在当代存在的必要性与正当性基础。

    Second part , The people 's court of our country is on the contemporary necessity that exists and proper foundation .

  7. 对全国32个先进人民法庭的实证分析可为基层司法之深入研究提供基础。

    The positive analysis of the 32 advanced people 's tribunals can provide a basis for further research on courts of first instance .

  8. 其次,本文对社会对人民法庭撤并不同看法进行实证调查;

    Secondly , this text merges and does not carry on the real example investigation the people 's court with the view in the society correctly ;

  9. 同时注意建立人民法庭,以便接收审理案件,维持社会秩序,避免乱打人、乱捉人、乱杀人的现象。

    At the same time , we should establish people 's courts to handle and try cases , maintain public order and prevent indiscriminate beatings , arrests and executions .

  10. 撤并后的人民法庭实践中的现状如何以及我国人民法庭制度未来的走向如何等?

    How does it merge people 's court current situation of practice after and how about grade it will be system in the future trend of people 's court of our country ?

  11. 该制度从1954年在我国首次确立之后得到快速发展,至1998年我国鉴于各地人民法庭过多过滥问题对人民法庭进行撤并。

    This system has got the fast development since in the establishment for the first time of our country in 1954 , seeing that regional people 's court too much to pass excessive problem merge to the people 's court to 1998 our country .

  12. 严格执行《人民法院法庭规则》。

    I.Strictly implementing the Courtroom Rules of the People 's Courts .

  13. 西安市中级人民法院审判法庭和办公楼设计方案

    Schematic design of Judgement and Office Building of Xi'an Intermediate People 's Court

  14. 人民法院对违反法庭规则的人,可以予以训诫,责令退出法庭或者予以罚款,拘留。

    In dealing with the people who violate the rules of the court , the people 's court may admonish them to leave the court , fine or detain them .

  15. 专门人民法院、人民法庭不审理行政案件,也不审查和执行行政机关申请执行其具体行政行为的案件。

    Special courts and dispatched people 's tribunals shall not hear administrative cases , nor shall they review or enforce applications for enforcement of specific administrative actions filed by administrative organs .

  16. 人民检察院派员出席法庭的,经审判人员许可,被告人及其辩护人可以同公诉人互相辩论。

    In cases where the people 's procuratorate sends procurators to the court , the defendant and his defenders may , with permission of the judges , debate with the public prosecutor .

  17. 人民检察院提出抗诉的案件,人民法院再审时,应当通知人民检察院派员出席法庭。

    Where the people 's court conducts a trial de novo of a case protested by the people 's procuratorate , it shall notify the people 's procuratorate to send its personnel to the court session .