
  1. 论合议庭评议案件制度的功能

    On the Function of Collegiate Bench 's Deliberating Cases System

  2. 我国合议庭评议表决制度功能缺失之省思

    A Reflection of Functional Deficiency of the Review and Voting System of Collegiate Bench

  3. 合议庭评议案件,实行少数服从多数的原则。

    The principle of the minority being subordinate to the majority is followed in the deliberation of the collegiate bench .

  4. 合议庭评议既是庭审的自然延续,又是裁判结论形成的前提和基础。

    The collegiate bench appraisal is not only the continuation of the court hearing but also the premise of the judgment .

  5. 合议庭评议阶段是指从裁判者退庭评议到宣判期间对案件进行讨论和作出决定的阶段。

    The stage of deliberation of collegiate bench is the one during which the case is discussed and a decision is made after the court is adjourned .

  6. 评议应当制作笔录,由合议庭成员签名。评议中的不同意见,必须如实记入笔录。

    The minutes of the deliberation shall be made and signed by all members of the collegiate bench . Differing opinions must be recorded accurately .