
  • 网络legitimate authority;legal authority
  1. 论城市规划的合法权威与核心价值

    Legitimate Authority and Core Values in Urban Planning

  2. 本文着重从概念分析提出,规划合法权威是规划有效作用的充分必要条件,环境、效率、公平的核心价值是合法权威的法理基础由此,本文进一步深入阐述合法权威具有的相对性。

    On the basis of conceptual analysis , the following conclusions were drawn : Planning 's legitimate authority was prerequisite for planning 's valid effect . The core value of enviroment , efficiency and fairness were the lawful basis of legitimate authority .

  3. 核心价值是生成规划合法权威的法理基础,但在制度环境中发生异化。

    The context is the backcloth on which the values in planning are produced .

  4. 他对“合法性权威延伸到国家之外的人的做法”充满热情。

    He 's enthusiastic about the'process of extension of legitimate authority to actors other than the state ' .

  5. 法律也要主张权威,法律主张合法性权威是它的一个本质特征。

    The law also claims the authority and it is an essential feature of law that law claims legitimate authority .

  6. 翻身作为农村社会新气象的表征,在党树立合法性权威的过程中曾发挥过积极的作用。

    As a token of new life in rural society , emancipation played an important rule in CPC 's building up its legitimate authority .

  7. 而能否有效地克服搭便车行为和是否具有高度的合法性权威是我们理解合作困境的直接和深层动因。

    Whether the free riding behavior can be overcome efficiently and whether the highly legitimate authority can be constructed are the direct and deep reasons for us to understand the cooperation dilemma .

  8. 他们认为法律权威可以从法律自身体系寻求,可以通过法律体系自身产生,比如任何具体法律通过该法律体系中基础规范、承认规则等赋予法律权威,拥有了合法性权威。

    In their opinion , the law authority could be sleeked and emerged in the law system itself . For example , the law authority is endowed by the basic standard and acknowledged rule in any concreted law and has the legal authority .

  9. 作为文化意识形态和政治体制的周礼,丧失了其合法性与权威性,遭遇到了形式化的危机。

    As the cultural ideology and political structure , ZHOU " Li " had lost its legality and authority , encountering a formal crisis .

  10. 三级课程管理进入人们的视野,最先是以政策的方式出现。政策文本本身,又具有某种合法化、权威化和制度化。

    The three-level curriculum management first appears into the sight of us was in the form of policy which is legal , authority and institutionalized .

  11. 公共性作为公共政策的核心价值,是保证政策合法性、权威性的关键因素和政策评估的根本标准。

    As a public nature of the core values of public policy , the policy is to guarantee the legitimacy , authority and the fundamental criterion for assessing policy .

  12. 政府公信力问题是影响政府合法性和权威性的重要因素,是整个社会信用体系的核心和支柱,对整个社会行为具有导向作用。

    The issue of governmental credibility , which plays a guiding role to social behaviour , is not only the key factor of its legitimacy and authoritativeness , but also the key to sustain the social credit system .

  13. 既然作为公共权力之一的行政权的合法性、权威性已经得到人们的普遍认同,那么值得关注的问题就是:政府机构是如何组织的和应当如何组织?

    Since the legitimacy , authoritativeness of the executive power as one of " public power " have already got people 's general approval , the question of meriting attention is : How organize government organ and should how about organize ?

  14. 政治权威资源包括政治权威的合法性、政治权威的政治整合能力和政治权威的自身素质三个主要方面。

    Political authority Resources consist of the legitimacy , ability of political conformity as well as the quality of political authority .

  15. 政府出于稳定压力、维系合法性和确证权威第三方地位的需要,会主动参与到冲突管理中。

    The government will take the initiative to participate in conflict management for maintaining the stability of society and the status of legitimacy and the authority of a third party .

  16. 合法性是政治权力被被统治者认为是正当的或自愿承认的特性,它将政治权力的行使变成了合法的权威。

    The legitimacy was a characteristic of political power which was regarded as proper right or accepted willingly by the ruled , and it turned the political power to the legitimate authority .