
  • 网络Non-state-owned industry;nonstate industries
  1. 实证结果是,非国有工业经济比重变动率对人均GDP增长率短期是正向,而长期是负向的关系。

    The demonstration results are : the relation between GDP per capita and the non-state owned industry production value proportion is positive in the short run , but negative in the long run .

  2. 注:本页为全部国有和规模以上非国有工业企业统计数。

    Note : data of industry in this table refer to state-owned industrial enterprises and Non-state-owned Industrial Enterprises above designated size .

  3. 规模以上工业企业法人:是指全部国有工业企业法人和年主营业务收入500万元及以上的非国有工业企业法人。

    Industrial Enterprises above designated size : refer to all state-owned industrial corporations , and non-state-owned industrial enterprises with annual sales from principal activity of five million yuan or more .

  4. 另外,经济转轨过程中,具有工业比较优势的A地区因为具有发展工业的比较优势,因此该地区非国有工业部门发展更快。

    In addition , in the process of economic restructuring , districts A has a comparative advantage because of the comparative industrial development advantages , and therefore non-state-owned industrial sector develops faster in the region .

  5. 第五章转入了制度分析,构造了以非国有工业产业值比重为代表的上海市场化指数和合成制度指数,后者的主成份是非国有工业产值比重。

    Chapter Five goes into the institutional analysis . It constructs a market index which is symbolized by the non-state owned industry production value proportion and compositive market index . The later main element is the non-state owned industry production value proportion .

  6. 应用主成分分析方法,以2001年中国各地区全部国有及规模以上非国有工业企业主要经济效益指标为基础数据,对各地区工业企业经济效益进行综合评价。

    Taking the indicators on economic benefit of all state owned and non state owned industrial enterprises above designated scale in various regions of China in 2001 as fundamental data , the author uses PCA in comprehensively evaluating economic benefit of industrial enterprises in various regions .

  7. 目前非国有经济的工业产值占工业总产值的一半以上,所创造的国民生产总值占整个国家国民生产总值的70%以上;

    At present , the industrial output of non-governmental economy has accounted for more than half of the whole industrial output , and the GDP it creates has accounted for more than 70 percent ;