
  • 网络Overload;overloading;method overloading;overloading method
  1. 如果需要在转换时提供自定义错误消息,请使用此方法重载。

    Use this method overload if you have custom error information that you need to supply in the conversion .

  2. 使用此方法重载来创建具有访问控制的目录,以便在应用安全性之前不能访问此目录。

    Use this method overload to create a directory with access control , so there is no chance the directory can be accessed before security is applied .

  3. 然而,通过XMLSchema规则(不同的命名空间)这是有可能的,但是如果是Web服务,不鼓励方法重载。

    However , this is possible through the XML Schema rules ( different namespace ), but in case of Web Service , method overloading is not encouraged .

  4. 在JavaScript中,可以用任意数量的参数调用函数,所以Java风格的方法重载已不存在。

    In JavaScript , you can invoke any function with an arbitrary number of arguments , so Java-style method overloading doesn 't exist .

  5. 使用此模式的方法重载在WSDL类型/模式中将需要具有相同名称的两个元素。

    Method overloading using this pattern would require two elements with the same name in the WSDL-types / schema .

  6. 本文介绍了由WSDL设计中的wrapped文档文本模式提供的附加价值,以及方法重载编程实践中的缺点。

    This article identifies the value addition provided by wrapped document literal pattern in the WSDL design and the shortcoming on method overloading programming practice .

  7. Ruby没有方法重载,而且Ruby和Rails都有着各种各样的惯例用来传递varargs或者block(function)参数。

    Ruby has no method overloading , and both Ruby and Rails have all sorts of conventions for passing varargs or block ( function ) parameters .

  8. 在本文中,我讨论了延迟静态绑定、名称空间支持、类方法重载和heredoc支持。

    In this article , I looked at late static binding , namespace support , class method overloading , and heredoc support .

  9. 每一个数据访问方法重载的数量被减少了。

    The numerous overloads for each data access method have been reduced .

  10. AddService方法被重载,以便在第一次查询服务时创建相应的服务。

    The AddService method is overloaded to create services the first time they are queried .

  11. 有一些默认方法需要重载,最重要的是onRow(),表中的每一行都需要调用该方法。

    You have a few default methods to override , the most important of which is onRow (), which is called for each row in the table .

  12. 为了防范这类攻击,提出利用页面不可执行的方法,重载页表项中User/Supervisor位的含义,用来表示可执行/不可执行状态,并在IA32处理器上,基于Linux内核实现了这种方法。

    In order to handle such attack , we present a method of non-executable page that overloads the meaning of the User / Supervisor bit in the ptes to mean the executable / non-executable status . We have implemented this method for IA-32 processors on Linux kernel .

  13. 按原有设计方法对重载道路进行设计,使工程设计存在盲目性,从而导致许多路面的早期破坏。

    There is blindness for road engineering using the initial design method .

  14. 方法的重载来添加这些引用。

    It is advisable to add these references from an overload of the .

  15. invoke方法已被重载。

    The invoke method is overloaded .

  16. 例如,如果有一个名为draw(Stringstr)的方法,那么重载的方法可以有以下形式:draw(Stringstr,inti)。

    For example , if I have a method called draw ( String str ), an overloaded version can have the following form : draw ( String str , int I ) .

  17. 像putIfAbsent()方法一样,重载后的remove()方法有两个参数&键和值。

    Like the putIfAbsent () method , the overloaded version of the remove () method accepts two arguments & a key and value .

  18. 利用多重网格方法,求解重载线接触脂润滑弹流问题,给出了数值解。

    A numerical solution for the problem of elastohydrodynamic lubrication ( EHL ) of line contact grease under high loads is presented by using a multi-grid method .

  19. 论文在以下几个方面具有创新性:⑴采用热弹耦合有限元方法得到高速重载齿轮传动的变形和刚度曲线。

    Paper has innovation in some following aspects : With coupled thermo-elastic finite element model to acquire the deformation and stiffness curves of the high-speed and heavy-load gear transmissions .

  20. 车轮踏面擦伤是危及列车运行安全的重要因素之一,其准确测量方法是高速重载列车需要首先解决的关键问题。

    Wheel flats are one of the main factors to threat the safety of trains , therefore , its measuring methods with high accuracy become a key problem needed to be solved in the development of high-speed and heavy loading trains .

  21. 以刚体逆动力学模型为基础,提出了一种完全具有互补性同时兼顾加速度项、速度项及重力项影响的全域动力学性能评价指标,该方法适用于重载、冗余驱动的并联机构。

    Meanwhile , two complementary dynamic performance indices which involves the effects of acceleration term , velocity term and gravity term in the inverse dynamic formulation is put forward , and the method is suitable for heavy and redundant parallel platform .

  22. 为此,本文在柔性体接口处理对策基础上,进一步提出了大结构阻尼准平衡收敛方法,使重载凹底架准静态挠度的相对误差达到3.2%。

    Well , the convergence methodology of quasi-equilibrium is proposed with large structural damping in the paper based on the flexible body restraint characteristic , and the relative error of the quasi-static deflection of laden center-depressed flat-frame is reached to 3.2 % .

  23. 因此,本文希望尝试对重载铁路技术创新平台运行的绩效评价,将评价的理论和方法引入到重载铁路工程项目实践当中,弥补国内对重载铁路工程项目评价研究的不足。

    Therefore , we hope to try the heavy haul railway technology innovation platform running performance evaluation , the introduction of the theories and methods of evaluation to the overloaded railway projects practice , to make up for the lack of domestic overloaded railway project evaluation study .

  24. 本文应用人工智能的基本原理和方法,对重载列车操纵技术的专家系统进行研究,在给定线路条件和列车编组情况下,自动搜寻重载列车的合理操纵方案。

    The paper studies the expert system of heavy haul goods train control technique by using the basic principle of artificial intelligence . Under the situation of given track condition and train formation the expert system can automatically search the rational train control scheme for heavy haul train .

  25. 一个很明显的例子就是我最初实现的JustInTimeResources:ActiveDependency重写(override)了对象和模块中的constmissing方法来处理代码重载。

    A great example of this was my initial implementation of Just In Time Resources : ActiveDependency overrides const_missing in Object and Module to handle code reloading .

  26. 这些访问器方法有不同的重载版本,可以通过传递属性名(String)、编号(int)或者属性元对象本身来访问属性。

    Several overloaded versions of these accessors are provided , allowing the properties to be accessed by passing the property name ( String ), number ( int ), or property meta object itself .

  27. 此方法具有多个重载版本。

    This method has several overloaded versions .

  28. 利用有限元理论和数值分析方法,对高速重载齿轮系统在加载和离心力共同作用下的变形和强度进行了分析,研究了离心力对该系统的影响和动态响应。

    The distortion and strength of a high speed and heavy load gear system under the action of an external load and a centrifugal force are studied by using finite element analysis method . The dynamic response and the influence of the centrifugal force of the system are analyzed .

  29. 然而,callStatic()是为了处理静态方法调用,这使我们能够更好地设计方法重载。

    However , __callStatic () is designed for handling static method calls , which gives us the ability to better design our method overloading .