
  • 网络concentration ratio;concentration rate;cycles of concentration
  1. 酸洗/缓蚀阻垢/杀菌/旁滤法提高热电厂循环水浓缩倍率

    Combined method for increasing recirculating water concentration rate in thermal power plant

  2. 循环冷却水高浓缩倍率运行的实例分析

    Analysis of the circulating cooling water with high concentration rate

  3. 600MW机组高浓缩倍率循环水防腐处理探讨

    Anti-corrosion study of concentrated highly circulating water of 600 MW units in power plant

  4. 主要从循环水处理药剂的筛选及其加药量,来讨论目前600MW机组高浓缩倍率下循环水处理的途径及运行管理。

    This thesis discusses the process and operational management of the 600 MW condenser cooling water systems at high concentration ratio in respect of chemicals selection and dosage .

  5. 电导率法在线监测循环水浓缩倍率

    On-line Monitoring the Concentration Ratio of the Recycle Water Using Conductivity Method

  6. 提高汽轮机循环水浓缩倍率降低补水量

    Increasing Thickening Efficiency of Turbine Circulation Water to Reduce Additional Water Amount

  7. 黄河水高浓缩倍率循环冷却抑垢处理工艺评析

    Estimation on Scale-inhibition Treatment Technique for High-concentrated Circulation Cooling Water from the Yellow River

  8. 高浓缩倍率循环水处理技术在火电厂的应用

    Application of High Concentration Ratio Treatment Technology of Recirculating Water in Fossil-fuel Power Plants

  9. 电子-化学法协同处理提高循环水浓缩倍率

    The treatment of circulating water by electron-chemistry coordinated method for increasing the cycle of concentration

  10. 要提高循环水的浓缩倍率,就必须对循环水进行必要的处理,本文对电厂的常用循环水处理技术进行了介绍。

    This article introduce the circulating water treatment techniques for the increasing of the concentrate rate .

  11. 浅析火力发电厂循环冷却水的高浓缩倍率

    Brief Discussion on the High Concentration Ratio of Circulating Cooling Water in the Thermal Power Plant

  12. 弱酸处理补充水时的循环水高浓缩倍率试验研究

    Experimental Research of High Concentration Ratio Treatment Technology of Circulating Water By Supply - Water Weak Acid Handling System

  13. 二级城市污水回用于火电厂循环冷却水系统在高浓缩倍率运行时的防腐与阻垢技术

    Anti-corrosion and SCALE-RETARDATION technique at the time of high enrichment rate for reusing secondary urban sewage as circulatory cooling water in thermal power plant

  14. 保水剂在土壤中的吸水倍率,是衡量保水剂持水能力的一项重要指标。提高汽轮机循环水浓缩倍率降低补水量

    Repeat water absorbing ability of SAPs was a important index of endurance . Increasing Thickening Efficiency of Turbine Circulation Water to Reduce Additional Water Amount

  15. 废水零排放工艺主要包括:改进循环冷却水系统,提高冷却水系统的浓缩倍率,减少冷却水系统的排水;

    Zero discharge process included improving the cooling water system by increasing the concentrate ratio and decreasing drain , and ameliorating the ash-sluicing system by closed-circuit and supplying water with the wastewater .

  16. 循环冷却水系统中物质的转化规律及提高浓缩倍率的措施轴流型,循环速率高,低粘度操作的表混搅拌器。

    Study on components transfer and the technique of enhancing recycling concentration rates for the industrial cooling system Axial flow type . A standard agitator in low viscosity . The cycling speed is high .

  17. 仪化热电厂将循环水用作冲灰水,导致浓缩倍率只有1.6以及凝汽器铜管腐蚀结垢严重。

    Circulating water was used for washing ash-water in the Thermal Power Plant of Yizheng Chemical Fibre Company , which led to a low concentration rate of 1.6 as well as scale and corrosion problem of condenser copper pipes .

  18. 结果表明:(1)BH-MTPMPA具有较好的阻垢性能,用于循环水处理时可有效提高循环水浓缩倍率,降低循环水的耗水率;

    Results show that as follows : ( 1 ) BHMTPMPA has better scale retardant performance , can effectively enhance the enrichment factor of circulating water for circulating water treatment , hence , can further reduce the water consumption rate of circulating water ;

  19. 为减少厂用水量,普遍采用的方法是提高循环水的浓缩倍率,但这会使水质变差,引起管道或器壁的结垢和腐蚀,进而影响电力的安全生产。

    In order to reduce plant water consumption , the common method is to increase the concentration ratio of circulating water . However , it will cause scale deposition and corrosion on the pipe , and then the proceed of production will be interrupted .

  20. 介绍了循环水浓缩倍率与节水的关系,提高浓缩倍率的可能性与经济效益,高浓缩倍率循环冷却水处理的现行技术以及限制浓缩倍率的因素。

    In this paper the relation between circulating cooling water by high concentration ratio and water saving is introduced , the possibility of the improvement for high concentration ratio is discussed , the current approaches and the factors restricting high concentration ratio are also described .

  21. 通过测试和技术分析相结合的科学方法,利用富裕的弱酸性离子交换器出水作为循环水的补水,提高了循环水的浓缩倍率,降低了补水量。

    Based on the scientific method of tests combined with technical analysis , the surplus water from weak acid ion exchangers is used as the additional water of circulation water , which has increased thickening efficiency of the circulation water and has reduced the additional water amount .

  22. 以丙烯酸、丙烯酰胺及丙烯酸羟乙酯等为单体合成了浓缩蛋白质溶液用吸水树脂,其最大浓缩倍率可达4.16倍。

    Selecting acrylic acid 、 acrylamide and 2 propenoic acid 2 hydroxyethyl ester as the monomers of copolymerization , a water absorbent resin used for condensing protein solution has been synthesized by means of water solution polymerization .