
nónɡ qínɡ
  • passionate feeling
  1. 你可以选择在餐后或者单独盲品三种上佳的阿根廷葡萄酒(200比索),这能帮你学会如何区分特浓情(torrontés)与霞多丽(chardonnay)。

    A blind taste test of three excellent Argentine wines ( 200 pesos ) is conducted on its own or over dinner , and will help you learn to distinguish a torront é s from a chardonnay .

  2. 文学性思维是营造浓情多彩的新闻境界的关键。

    Literariness thought is builds the deep affection multi-colors the news boundary key .

  3. 无偿献血,血浓情更浓。

    While donating blood , your affection matters more .

  4. 亲吻脸颊浓情。

    Kissing on the cheek signifies deep feeling .

  5. 我需要欢乐浪漫浓情,这些就全靠你了

    I need happy , I need romantic , I need love ... and I need it from you .

  6. 巧克力和榛仁酱交织出的香浓柔情,伴随着一份悠闲的心情,体验着一份榛“芯”真意的浓情!

    A rich sense of tenderness by chocolate and hazelnut butter in a relaxing mood feel the creamy and soft hazel " heart "!

  7. 一曲曼妙的味觉华尔兹,当巧克力恋上红酒的象醇,交织的浓情滋味,忘却了时光,融化了心。

    When chocolate falls in love with red wine , the sweet flavor melts my heart , and makes me forget the passing of time .

  8. 无论观者从哪个细节开始欣赏整幅作品,眼睛都可以顺畅地游走,最终被两名主角的浓情一刻所俘虏。

    Regardless of whichever pictorial element the viewer begins in appreciating the overall painting , eyes glide smoothly , even locking eyes with the two protagonists in momentary sentimentality .

  9. 亚邦国际大酒店将是您接待商务贵宾、举办会议研讨、体验细意浓情、享受良辰美景的最佳选择。

    This hotel is the best choice for business and pleasure trips in Xiangshui , with the gracious services and memorable experiences will surely bring you back again and again .

  10. 思乡之浓情脱俗之深意&解读张翰的“莼鲈之思”海生和淡水鱼类的最大自然群之一;鲈鱼;鲈鱼;金枪鱼。

    Keen longing for home deep meaning of refining interpreting ZHANG Han s " missing of water shield weever "; one of the largest natural groups of fishes of both marine and fresh water : true perches ; basses ; tuna .

  11. 体现在中国传统绘画中表现为浓烈、艳丽的色彩语言中传达出来的一种静穆感,这种浓情厚意中的静穆感正是中国传统绘画中重彩语言的自律性体现。

    Reflected in the performance of traditional Chinese painting as the color out of language to convey a " solemn and quiet sense of " this " solemn and quiet sense of " traditional Chinese painting is the language of self-regulation re-color expression .