
  • 网络Blood And Wine;Bewitched;Cinderella;cha-cha Remix
  1. 里昂,你可要小心女人。

    Leon , you gotta be careful with women .

  2. 路上结了许我冰,车辆行走十分缓慢,十分小心。那女人推着小儿摇篮车,沿着人行道向前走着。

    As the roads were so icy , the cars were going along very slowly and carefully . The woman pushed the perambulator dong the pavement .

  3. 她父亲当年就因为贪恋青春美貌,为的是青春美貌往往会给人带来很大的情趣,因此娶了这样一个智力贫乏而又小心眼儿的女人,结婚不久,他对太太的深挚的情意便完结了。

    Her father , captivated by youth and beauty , and that appearance of good humour which youth and beauty generally give , had married a woman whose weak understanding and illiberal mind had very early in their marriage put an end to all real affection for her .