
  1. 在过去一个月中,中国的几家影院试着用弹幕放映了3-D动画电影《秦时明月》和轰动一时的青春电影系列《小时代》的第三部。

    Over the past month , several theaters around China have been experimenting with bullet screen showings of films like the 3-D animated film The Legend of Qin and the third installment of the blockbuster young-adult franchise Tiny Times .

  2. 目的利用每天平均每小时代谢当量(MET)水平来评价体力活动与缺血性心血管疾病(ICVD)的关系。

    Objective To examine the associations between physical activity measures [ metabolic equivalents of energy expenditure ( MET ) per hour per day ] and ischemic cardiovascular diseases ( ICVD ) in Chinese population .

  3. 在过去一个月中,中国的几家影院试着用“弹幕”放映了3-D动画电影《秦时明月》和轰动一时的青春电影系列《小时代》的第三部。

    of life . Over the past month , several theaters around China have been experimenting with " bullet screen " showings of films like the 3-D animated film " The Legend of Qin " and the third installment of the blockbuster young-adult franchise " Tiny Times . "

  4. 中国描述现代上海生活的电影《小时代》6月底上映当天就登上新闻头条,击败好莱坞大片《超人:钢铁之躯》跃居国内票房榜首,并打破中文2D电影上映首日的票房纪录。

    Tiny Times , a Chinese feature film set in contemporary Shanghai , made headline news on its opening day in late June by knocking the Hollywood blockbuster Man of Steel from its perch atop the domestic box-office and breaking the opening-day record for a Chinese-language 2D release .

  5. (《小时代3》的评分为4.4分。)

    ( 'Tiny Times 3 ' has a 4.4 rating . )

  6. 《小时代》中的中国社会已经倒退到更早的时代。

    In Tiny Times Chinese society has regressed to an earlier era .

  7. 当然,我无意冒犯郭敬明和他的《小时代3》。

    No offense to Guo and his Tiny Times .

  8. 健康的年轻人通常大概一小时代谢掉一杯酒。

    Healthy young people tend to metabolize about one drink per hour , Dr. Murray says .

  9. 尤其是《小时代》这部电影,引发了巨大的争议与讨论。

    In particular , there are a lot of controversies and discussions about " Tiny times " .

  10. 《小时代》观众中,有85%都是15岁到25岁的女性。

    Females made up 85 % of the audience for Tiny Times , with most ages 15 to 25 .

  11. 《小时代4》是一部反高潮的电影,将前作的种种争议与尖锐的评论,引向了一个冷冷清清的悲悯结局。

    Tiny Times 4.0 is an anti-climax that brings an erstwhile controversial and cacophonous cinematic juggernaut to a whimpering close .

  12. 可以说,《小时代4》是反高潮的。把先前几部影片的重重矛盾和不和谐引向了一个呜呜咽咽的哀怨结局。

    Tiny Times 4.0 is an anti-climax that brings an erstwhile controversial and cacophonous cinematic juggernaut to a whimpering close 。

  13. 但在《小时代》遭到评论家大肆攻击后,他却意外获得了大量官方媒体机构的支持。

    But after critics began savaging Tiny Times , he received a surprising amount of support from prominent state-run media outlets .

  14. 《小时代》的续集是和第一部同期拍摄的,本计划在今年12月上映。

    The sequel , which was filmed at the same time as Tiny Times , was originally set for release in December .

  15. 大陆近年也推出不少青春电影,如《致青春》和《小时代》等。

    In recent years , the mainland also produced some youth films , like " So Young " and " Tiny Times " .

  16. 她写道:今天,充斥耳目的如果都是《小时代》们,物质主义和消费主义将会引导社会思潮。

    If we bombard our eyes and ears only with ' Tiny Times , ' she wrote , materialism and consumerism will rule the society .

  17. 《小时代》也产生了极大的争议,批评家称之为垃圾,美化了不道德和物质主义。

    Tiny Times ( Xiao Shi Dai ) has also generated a storm of controversy , with critics calling it trash that glorifies immorality and materialism .

  18. 他和电影拥护者一道表示《小时代》实际上关注的是友谊的力量,以及年轻人在物质至上世界中的妥协与奋斗。

    He and his defenders say the film actually focuses on the power of friendship and the compromises and struggles of young people in a materialistic world .

  19. 导演郭敬明说《小时代》让观众敢于梦想有光明前途、知心朋友和帅气男友的美好未来。

    Director Guo said that Tiny Times allowed its viewers to dream about a future with a great career , great friends , and a handsome boyfriend .

  20. 从文本制作到策划营销,《小时代》系列明显在借助大众消费时代的推波助澜,刻意地迎合读者与市场。

    Obviously , from the text to marketing planning , TINY TIMES was in the era of mass consumption , and deliberately cater to readers and the market .

  21. 谈到这一最新业务,电影《小时代》可谓是初期最成功的范例。该电影聚焦于一帮年轻且追求上流阶层生活的年轻人。

    Tiny Times , the film franchise on the lives of young , upwardly mobile Chinese , is probably the most successful example of the relatively new business .

  22. 本片改编自郭敬明2008年的同名小说《小时代》,他说这部电影让观众为了梦想努力拼搏。

    Guo Jingming , who has adapted his own novel from 2008 & also titled Tiny Time , said Tiny Times allows his viewers to dream about the future .

  23. 尽管面对有着大批粉丝基数的《小时代4》和《栀子花开》,本周微博期待值最高的电影却是《西游记之大圣归来》。

    Despite going against fan-based films Tiny Times 4 and Forever Young , the most anticipated film this week on Weibo is actually The Monkey King : Hero 's Return .

  24. 中国这些天最热门的电影《小时代》把焦点集中在1990年之后出生的饱受批评的以自我为中心的一代人以及他们和其他人之间的代沟。

    The hottest movie in China these days , Tiny Times , puts the spotlight on the much-criticized me generation born after 1990s and the gap between them and everyone else .

  25. 《小时代》电影续集将于今年12月发布,郭敬明还要将两卷《小时代》小说改编成电影。无疑,他期望这个系列能带来更大轰动。

    With a sequel planned for release in December and two volumes of his Tiny Times novels yet to be adapted , Guo would certainly hope for an unyielding explosion of the obsession .

  26. 自从《小时代3》7月份上映以来,它的发行公司乐视影业在北京组织了几场弹幕放映,作为上映后市场推广策略的一部分。

    Since the release of Tiny Times 3 in July , its distributor , Le Vision Pictures , has organized several bullet screen showings in Beijing as part of a post-release marketing strategy .

  27. 根据相似的观影人数统计,和《小时代》一样大热的影片还有根据何炅2004年同名大热单曲改编的,讲述年轻人浪漫物语的《栀子花开》。

    Forever Young Aimed at a similar demographic and receiving just as much buzz as Tiny Times is the youthful romance pic Forever Young based on a hit song by He Jiong from 2004 .

  28. 中国这些天最热门的电影《小时代》把焦点集中在1990年之后出生的饱受批评的“以自我为中心的一代人”以及他们和其他人之间的代沟。

    The hottest movie in China these days , " Tiny Times , " puts the spotlight on the much-criticized " me generation " born after 1990s and the gap between them and everyone else .

  29. 郭敬明的粉丝称他代表了专注于物质的新生代,但许多评论家却攻击说《小时代》是对消费至上主义的空虚崇拜,为中国的年轻人树立了负面榜样。

    Guo 's fans say he 's the voice of a new material-minded generation , but many critics have savaged Tiny Times as a vacuous homage to consumerism that sets a bad example for Chinese youth .

  30. 《小时代3》的制片人李力说,也许肤浅的不是《小时代》这部电影,而是我们生活的这个大时代。

    ' Maybe it is not ' Tiny Times ' that is shallow , but the big times that we live in , ' said Li Li , producer of the latest ' Tiny Times ' film .