
  • 网络meet again
  1. 对“囚徒困境”进行研究的人士发现,在人们还可能再遇见的情况下,他们倾向于合作而不是背叛。

    What researcherssintosthe Prisoner 's Dilemma have discovered is that people co-operate rather than betray each other if they are likely to meet again .

  2. 我盼望再遇见我的老朋友。

    I am look forward to meeting my old friend again .

  3. 你猜当我再遇见他的时候他说什么?

    But then I met him and you know what he said ?

  4. 也许来生我们还能再遇见彼此

    Perhaps in another life , we will find each other again .

  5. 很早或者很晚再遇见,我们会怎样?

    Met long ago or much later , what would we be ?

  6. 现在,他再遇见这个小伙子,一切就都不同了。

    Now when he met his neighbor 's son , things appeared different .

  7. 我真的好像再遇见你。

    I want to meet you , again .

  8. 他擦了擦额头,都已经出汗了。他真不希望再遇见其他的熟人。

    He wiped his forehead , which had grown damp , and hoped sincerely he would meet no one else .

  9. 我们只能更加小心,以防待会夜游小镇时再遇见槲寄生了,行吗?

    We 'll just have to be more careful when we walk around the town for the remaining of the night , ok ?

  10. 我跟你们说过:“你们以后还将遇见比我们更优秀的老师,但是我们基本不会再遇见比你们更优秀的学生。”

    I have told you : " You will meet more excellent teachers than me in your future , But It 's unlikely for me to have more excellent students in my future . "

  11. 如果时光不会倒流,我不会再重新遇见你。

    If time will not turn the clock back , I will not meet you again .

  12. 不知道啊,我真的没有气力再去“遇见更合适的人”了。

    Just , we both know we are not suitable for long-term .

  13. 我们再也不会遇见他这样的人。

    We won 't see another man like him .

  14. 她本来捕风捉影地对他抱着希望,现在希望破灭了,而且此后再也没有遇见一个条件合适的人,来唤起她的这种希望。

    She had soon the mortification of seeing Mr Elliot withdraw , and no one of proper condition has since presented himself to raise even the unfounded hopes which sunk with him .