
  • 网络recertification
  1. 供应商应负责取得所有部门的再认证及监督批准,同时取得批准需要使用现行零部件并能实现其与新设备机组的融合。

    The supplier shall be responsible for obtaining all of the recertification and regulatory approvals that are required to utilize the existing components and integrate them into a new equipment packages .

  2. 资格认证:98%的专家认为CNS必须获得权威机构的认证和定期再认证;

    Certification : 98 % thought that the certificate of CNS must be verified and re-verified periodically by an authorized organization ;

  3. 为了保持CE标志认证的有关效性,必需要用新的指令对您的产品进行再认证。

    To keep the license valid , which is the basis for fixing the CE mark , compliance for the above-mentioned new version LVD directive has to be proved .

  4. 维护员工个人技能档案并进行再认证;

    Maintain skill matrixes and revise the certification ;

  5. 当进入到查询/返回结果的阶段再认证新连接就太晚了。

    When we enter the query / result stage it is too late to authenticate new connections .

  6. 定期进行资格再认证培训,符合所有联邦和州的要求。

    Re-certification training will be conducted on a periodic basis , consistent with all federal and state requirements .

  7. 目前,异构无线网络互联受到越来越多重视,一些标准组织、项目组织都已展开异构互联的相关研究,但对其中的安全接入认证和密钥协商,以及垂直切换再认证所做的工作还比较少。

    Some standard and project organizations are investigating the heterogeneous wireless convergence issues . However , few works about the access authentication and vertical handover authentication are carried through .

  8. 与此同时,国家还建立全美专业教学标准委员会负责对优秀教师进行再认证,以达到促进健康教育教师之间学术交流和教师资源良性流动的目的。

    Simultaneously , National Board for Professional Teaching Standards that authenticates the excellent one of professional teachers is built in order to improve academy communication among health education teachers and good flowing of teacher resources .

  9. 目的了解专科护士准入及工作现状,评估其能力水平,明确再认证方法,加强、完善专科护士管理。

    Objective To identify the current situation of the qualification standards and working status of specialty nurses in China , and evaluate their competences , determine the method of re-qualification , and improve the management of specialty nurses .

  10. 传输器基于用户名密码组合认证一个输入请求,然后再将认证和审计委托给安全服务。

    Transports authenticate an incoming request based on a user-name password combination and then delegate authorization and auditing to a security service .

  11. 首先,零售商必须在阿里巴巴上注册其品牌,达根称这一过程“充满拖延,要反复提交、再提交品牌认证文件,并遭到原因不明的反复拒绝”。

    First , retailers must register their brands with Alibaba , a process she says is " marked by delays , submissions and resubmissions of brand authenticating documents , and repeated and unexplained rejections . "

  12. 已获得联合国万国宫认证的记者不需要再进行媒体资格认证。

    Journalists who are already accredited by the UN Palais des Nations do not require additional media accreditation .