
zài kàn yī yǎn
  • set eyes on sth.
  1. 他要求你们再看一眼海丝特的红字!

    He bids you look again at hester 's scarlet letter !

  2. 哈利没有回头再看一眼,关上了办公室的门。

    He did not look back as he closed the office door .

  3. 再看一眼目标,可以预摆几次球杆。

    Look again , maybe a couple of soft waggles .

  4. 为了再看一眼她心中的大地和海洋。

    For a last dim look at earth and sea .

  5. 第一眼没看明白,再看一眼。

    At first glance * do a double take .

  6. 大家都知道,没人想在高中毕业后再看一眼代数。

    Everyone knows no one wants to look at algebra after high school .

  7. 他脸色发青,想再看一眼。

    He turned rather green and tried another look .

  8. 事实上,呃,我还想再看一眼。

    Actually , um , I might want to take one more look at it .

  9. 你想再看一眼吗。

    You want to take another peek .

  10. 再看一眼,我们发现树桩上的木头已经完全腐烂。

    A second glance at the stump showed us that the wood was quite decayed .

  11. 当你认为世界背叛了你的时候,再看一眼。

    When you think the world has turned its back on you * , take another look .

  12. 他跑到他的卧室里,想再看一眼他在这个世界上所爱的一切;

    He darted to his bedroom to see once more all he had loved in the world ;

  13. 首都北京的考生们在参加高考前抓紧最后再看一眼的知识点。

    Examinees review important points before attending the college entrance exam in Beijing , capital of China .

  14. 为了能让投资人再看一眼,每个计划都要和其他的计划形成竞争之势。

    Each plan has to vie with many others just to get a second look from investors .

  15. 她仿佛没有瞧见他,他也便未朝那边再看一眼。

    She appeared not to have seen him , and he did not look in that direction again .

  16. 努力用耳朵去听,只是在实在不懂的时候再看一眼字幕。

    Listen as much as possible and look at the subtitle only when you really do not understand .

  17. 好想在我离开之前再看一眼江口中学的网业。

    I am leaving for my bedroom . I want to see our mother school before I go .

  18. 再看一眼待办清单,我会发现还有其他一些事宜我也愿意花时间去处理。

    Glancing at my list , I soon found a few other items that I was interested in addressing .

  19. 我允许自己最后再看一眼爱德华,他依然等在那里,一动不动,他的眼神很严肃。

    I allowed myself one last glance at Edward . He was waiting , perfectly still , his eyes solemn .

  20. 雌袋鼠将死时,雄袋鼠把她的头托起,以便她能在离世前再看一眼幼崽。

    As she died , the male propped up her head so she could see her joey before she passed away .

  21. 城里所有的人都逃命去了,对他们那正燃烧着的城市甚至都没有回头再看一眼。

    All the townspeople fled for their life , giving not so much as a backward glance at their burning town .

  22. 这个艺术展名为“再看一眼”,目的是让参观者通过新奇的眼光来看待我们周围的地方和空间。

    The art exhibition called Look Again challenged visitors to ' look at the places and spaces around us through fresh eyes . "

  23. 你及时赶到面试地点,职位描述非常适合你,再看一眼办公室,你更加确信这就是你想要的。

    You 're there on time , the job description is a perfect match and one look at the office tells you this is the job for you .

  24. 他也很伤心,因为他思念他在天国里的亲属!如今,在他濒死之际,他挺身站在你们面前!他要求你们再看一眼海丝特的红字!

    And sad , because he missed his heavenly kindred ! Now , at the death-hour , he stands up before you ! He bids you look again at hester 's scarlet letter !

  25. 没有时间回头再看一眼我的家了,我也不想看到它现在这个样子空无一人,成为了恐惧而非避难所的象征。

    There was no time to look back at my house , and I didn 't want to see it as it was now empty , a symbol of fear instead of sanctuary .

  26. 当装载着我所有的收藏的大卡车,正开出我画室的停车场时,国家图书馆管理局的殷玲催我再看一眼。

    When the truck carrying my whole collection was pulling out of the carpark of my studio , Ms Jennifer Yin of the NLB urged me to quickly take a last look at it .

  27. 而去参观一个时间为基础的艺术作品展的意义就是看一眼,然后再看一眼,再多看一眼–而不是把它整个地看了。

    The whole point of visiting an exhibition of time & based art is to take a look on it and then another look and another look – but not to see it in its entirety .

  28. 他太难受了,几乎忘了最后再看一眼女贞路四号。等他从挎斗边缘放眼望去,已经辨认不出是哪座房子了。

    So great was his discomfort that he almost forgot to take a last glimpse of number four , Privet Drive ; by the time he looked over the edge of the sidecar he could no longer tell which one it was .

  29. 再看我一眼,他就死定了。

    He looks at me again , he 's dead .

  30. 你再最后看一眼外面的世界。

    You take one last look at the outside world .