
  • 网络rebirthing;regenerative therapies
  1. 当前工作的重点上,干细胞和祖细胞,生物活性因子和生物材料支架移植程序,影响再生疗法的应用。

    Current efforts focus on the application of stem and progenitor cells , bioactive factors and biomaterial scaffolds in transplantation procedures to affect regenerative therapies .

  2. 目的:探讨一种在应用烧伤皮肤再生疗法(BRT)中,效果好且能减少工作量、减轻劳动强度的烧伤创面处理方法。

    Objective : To find a wound management method to be used in burn regenerative therapy so that the amount of work and labor intensity can be reduced .

  3. 严重烧伤病人再生疗法的营养支持治疗&肠内营养

    Nutrition support in treating severely burned patients with regenerative therapy & intra-intestinal nutrition

  4. 皮肤软组织挫擦伤与再生疗法

    Skin soft tissue contusion and regenerative therapy

  5. 目的:观察再生疗法在各种类型皮肤软组织性挫擦伤中的治疗作用,探讨其有效治疗方法。

    Objective : To observe the efficacy of regenerative therapy in treating skin soft tissue contusion .

  6. 背景:血管再生疗法是重症缺血性心脏病和闭塞性动脉硬化症的新治疗措施。

    Background : neovascularization is a new measure of treatment for ischemic heart disease and occlusive atherosclerosis .

  7. 烧伤皮肤再生疗法救治严重烧伤的治疗要点&附110例病例总结和典型病例介绍

    Key points in the application of burn skin regenerative therapy in treating severe burn & A summary of 110 cases and typical case report

  8. 结论:再生疗法适用于全身各部位及不同深度的皮肤软组织挫擦伤的治疗,且疗效满意。

    Conclusion : Regenerative therapy is suitable for treating skin soft tissue contusion of different depths and in different positions . The efficacy is very good .

  9. 目的:为普及提高严重烧伤病人再生疗法的营养支持的知识,提高治疗水平。

    Objective : To publicize the knowledge of nutrition support treatment in treating severely burned patients with regenerative therapy and promote the level of the treatment .

  10. 目的:根据多年成功救治经验,总结采用烧伤皮肤再生疗法救治严重烧伤的治疗要点。

    Objective : To work out the key points in the application of burn skin regenerative therapy on the basis of the experience in the successful clinical practice in recent years .

  11. 目的:观察皮肤再生疗法对供皮区创面愈合的作用,寻找提高供皮区创面愈合质量和速度的理想方法。

    Objective : To observe the effect of skin regeneration therapy on the healing of skin donor site wounds and to find an ideal method for improving the quality and increasing the speed of the healing of wounds .

  12. 目的:总结烧伤再生医学及疗法的临床实践和应用研究的经验,进一步推广和指导烧伤皮肤再生医疗技术的普及应用。

    Objective : To sum up the experience in the clinical practice and research of burn regeneration medicine and therapy , to order to further popularize and to guide the application of burn skin regeneration medical technique .

  13. ESCs是研究哺乳动物早期胚胎发生,如细胞组织分化、基因表达调控等的一个理想模型,还可为未来再生医学细胞替代疗法和组织器官移植等提供无尽的供体来源。

    ESCs were established as a suitable model to study the events which occurred in early development of mammalian embryo , such as cell differentiation and gene expression regulation .