
  • 网络National Hero
  1. 顷刻之间,周几乎成了国家英雄。

    Instantly , Chow is something of a national hero .

  2. 这位是荷赛·马蒂,古巴最伟大的思想家和国家英雄之一。

    This is Jos é Mart í , you know , one of ourgreatest thinker [ s ] and our national hero .

  3. 德国重封爱因斯坦为国家英雄。

    Germany reclaims Einstein as their hero .

  4. 现在,3名航天员已经成为了国家英雄。

    The3 astronauts are now national heroes .

  5. 日本女足上周日意外取得世界杯决赛的胜利,她们将以国家英雄的身份凯旋回国。

    Japan 's women will return home as national heroes after their astonishing World Cup success on Sunday .

  6. 据英国媒体报道,英国北安普顿一位71岁的老奶奶近日挺身而出挫败了一场珠宝店抢劫而成为国家英雄。

    A71-year-old British woman has become a national heroine after foiling a robbery on a jewelry store in Northampton , UK media reported .

  7. 战争结束后,她被比利时政府授予国家英雄勋章,被人民誉为比利时母亲。

    At the end of World War ⅱ, she was given the medal of Na-tional Heroine by the Belgian government and was called " BelgianMother " by the locals .

  8. 吉米•弗洛克鲁斯是的,中国人为有了一个新的国家英雄而感到自豪,他是一个新的偶像,一个叫杨利伟的宇航员。

    China is now very proud that they now have a new national hero , a new icon in the name , in the person of astronaut Yang Liwei .

  9. 宇航员杨利伟目前是媒体关注的焦点和举国景仰的英雄,他是中国最新的国家英雄,象征着中国征服太空和其他领域的崇高理想。

    Astronaut Yang Liwei is now the focus of media attention and nationwide adulation . China 's newest national hero , symbolizing China 's lofty goals of conquering space and beyond .

  10. 林超目前正在努力创作新内容,并且经营他自己的品牌。林超还希望中国年轻人能够了解更多关于国家英雄的事迹,并且将更多的精力投入到祖国的繁荣和发展中去。

    Focusing on producing new content and operating his brand , Lin hopes younger Chinese can learn more about the nation 's heroes and devote more energy to its prosperity and development .

  11. 跨栏冠军刘翔被视为赢得金牌的国家英雄,同时也是一个流行偶像,在他身上体现出了年轻人所重视的个性。

    Liu Xiang , the gold-medal-winning hurdler , is seen as both a hero for the nation who wins gold , and a populist hero who embodies the greater individuality prized by younger Chinese .

  12. 这个新国家的英雄的下一步是什么?

    What was next for the hero of the new nation ?

  13. 成为你国家的英雄感觉如何?

    How does it feel to be your country 's hero ?

  14. 他被赞为国家的英雄。

    He was acclaimed hero of the country .

  15. 2008年北京奥运会上,林丹当仁不让成为了国家的英雄,为万众所喜爱。

    In the Olympic Games , Lin Dan was undoubtedly the local hero and heavy favourite .

  16. 祖鲁族和古老族人开车7小时告别改变了这个国家的英雄。

    Zulus and traditional warrior drove seven hours to bid farewell to the hero that transformed that nation .

  17. 对我来说,他就是这个国家众多英雄中的一个,那为什么他的穿戴像其他那些平常的老人?

    To me he 's one of the heroes of this country , So why 's he all dressed up like them old men ?

  18. 过去一周,我们庆祝,敬礼,向把生命献给上帝,家庭和这个国家的英雄们致敬。

    This past week , we have celebrated , saluted , and honored American heroes who have devoted their lives to God , Family , and Country .

  19. 国家给战争英雄颁发国家最高奖章。

    The country bestowed its highest medal on the war hero .

  20. 他是他们国家的民族英雄。

    He is one of the national heroes of his country .

  21. 他是我们国家的民族英雄之一。

    He is one of our country 's national heroes .

  22. 保全国家,收罗英雄,就是《中略》所论的权变。

    Preserving the structure of the state , gathering the valiant and courageous are what the Middle Strategy is .

  23. 整个菲律宾的大城小镇可能将万人空巷,坐在电视机前观看国家级拳击英雄帕奎奥对下一个世界冠军拼搏。

    Streets in towns and cities across the Philippines are expected to empty soon as people gather in front of televisions to watch their national boxing hero Manny Pacquiao fight for another world title .

  24. 将会成为国家最伟大的英雄!

    Will live as the nation 's greatest heroes .

  25. 将我们制造的最好的车献给守卫边疆和为国家荣誉而战的英雄,是我们的骄傲。

    Proudly supporting our nation 's heroes the best of what we 're made of .