
ɡuó huì shān
  • Capitol Hill
  1. 民主党昨天在国会山召开了竞选誓师大会。

    The Democrats held a pep rally on Capitol Hill yesterday .

  2. 3,000名市政官员齐聚国会山,为筹集更多的款项进行游说。

    3,000 city officials descended on Capitol Hill to lobby for more money

  3. 每一位美国人享受良政的权利被国会山的闹剧损害殆尽。

    The rights of every American to good government have been damaged by the pantomime on Capitol Hill .

  4. 当你骑到美国国会山和国家广场的遗址时,你要走近那里的历史遗迹和纪念碑看看。

    Get up close to the monuments and memorials as your bike the sites of Capitol Hill and the National Mall .

  5. 某些国会山(capitolhill)的观察家们认为,议员可能对不同的提案加以整合。

    Some observers of Capitol Hill suggest that lawmakers could try to consolidate the different proposals .

  6. 在华盛顿的国会山周边地区——许多来自不同的国家,SaporeOils和Vinegar迎合了消费者。

    Sapore Oils & Vinegar caters to consumers in Washington 's Capitol Hill neighborhood -- many from different countries .

  7. 于是,Grace于去年11月份去了伦敦的国会山,她在一个公园的长椅上向自己求婚。

    So , Grace paid a visit to Parliament Hillin London lastNovember and proposed to herself on a park bench .

  8. 观察家们预计,国会山或许最终会以削减美联储的权力为代价,赋予新的金融服务监管委员会(FinancialServicesOversightCouncil)更大的角色甚至可能拥有否决权。

    Observers predict that Capitol Hill could end up giving the new Financial Services Oversight Council a greater role possibly even a veto at the expense of the Fed .

  9. 经济学中最著名的案例之一是“国会山照看婴儿合作社”(capitolhillbabysittingco-operative)的故事。

    One of the most renowned parables in economics is that of the Capitol Hill babysitting co-operative .

  10. 我们的记者SandraEndo正在国会山,她将对此次谈判进行报道。

    And Sandra Endo is covering the negotiations happening on Capitol Hill .

  11. 但是民主党人不同意。NPR新闻,大卫·威尔纳国会山报道。

    Democrats say no. David Welna , NPR News , the Capitol .

  12. NPR新闻,S.V.Date国会山报道。

    S.V. Date , NPR News , the Capitol .

  13. NPR新闻,埃斯比·达泰克国会山报道。

    Esby Datek , NPR News , the Capitol .

  14. NPR新闻,阿利萨·张国会山报道。

    Alisa Chang , NPR News , the capital .

  15. NPR新闻,布拉克通·布克国会山报道。

    Brakkton Booker , NPR News , the Capitol .

  16. NPR新闻,大卫·威尔纳国会山报道。

    David Welna , NPR news , the Capital .

  17. NPR新闻,艾尔萨·张国会山报道。

    Ailsa Chang , NPR NEws , the Capitol .

  18. NPR新闻,沃纳·萨默国会山报道。

    Werner Summer , NPR News , the Capitol .

  19. NPR新闻,劳拉·沙利文国会山报道。

    Laura Sullivan , NPR News , the capital .

  20. NPR新闻,莱斯特·达特国会山报道。

    Lester Darter , NPR News , the Capitol .

  21. NPR新闻,艾丽丝·陈国会山报道。

    Alice Chen , NPR News , the Capitol .

  22. 我还记得小时候开运动会时,国会山(ParliamentHill)上红色的砂砾跑道和似乎永远跑不到头的终点线的恐怖场景。

    I remember the horror of sports day as a child on the track at Parliament Hill with its gritty red surface and impossibly distant finish line .

  23. NPR新闻,戴维·威尔纳国会山报道。

    David Welna NPR News , the Capitol .

  24. NPR新闻,塔玛拉·基思国会山报道。

    Tamara Keith NPR NEws , the Capitol .

  25. 据NPR新闻的保罗·布朗报道,霍尔德在国会山也谈到了枪支暴力问题。

    NPR 's Paul Brown reports Holder was also on the hill to talk about gun violence .

  26. NPR新闻,S.V.丹特国会山报道。

    S.V. D á te , NPR news , the Capital .

  27. 他写道,这个国家正在经历一场“权威危机”,美国国会山(CapitolHill)、华尔街(WallStreet),乃至棒球场和天主教会(CatholicChurch)的一系列丑闻就是例证。

    He argues that the country is experiencing a " crisis of authority , " illustrated by the scandals on Capitol Hill and Wall Street , in baseball and the Catholic Church , among others .

  28. 据NPR新闻的拉里·艾布拉姆森报道,今天早些时候,国务卿在国会山申明了美国采取行动的理由。

    NPR 's Larry Abramson reports the secretary of state made the case for US action earlier today on Capitol Hill .

  29. wpp将其视线投向了国会山,瞄准了美国最具增长潜力的行业之一。

    In setting its sights on Capitol Hill , WPP has targeted one of the most promising growth industries in America .

  30. 据NPR新闻的伊丽莎白·怀恩·约翰逊报道,近40年的时间里,爱荷华州的民主党人向来对国会山的自由表达具有影响力。

    NPR 's Elizabeth Wynne Johnson reports the Iowa Democrat has been an influential liberal voice on Capitol Hill for going on 40 years .