
  • 网络International College;international school;International Academy;ICWS
  1. 如果您正在索寻一所提供优质教育的私人学院以及在生活中脱颖而出的那份决心,加入BCS国际学院是你踏出第一步的最佳选择。

    Should you be looking for an established private institution that promises quality education and determination to see you excel in life , BCS International College is the school for you .

  2. 国际学院的师资有什么特色?

    What are the teaching staffs made up of in International College ?

  3. Kaplan国际学院给于你激动人心的留学美国的机会。

    The Kaplan International Institute is your ticket to exciting opportunity in the United States .

  4. 感谢您成为西亚斯国际学院的教员。

    Thank you for being an educator at SIAS International University .

  5. 北京航空航天大学(北航)汉语培训中心成立于1994年,隶属北航国际学院。

    CLTCBU was established in1994 and attached to International School of Beihang University .

  6. 五人均是浸大国际学院副学士毕业生。

    All of them are graduates of the College of International Education Associate Degree Course .

  7. 安东尼是新加坡拉加拉特纳姆国际学院研究东盟问题的专家。

    Mely Caballero-Anthony is an expert on ASEAN at the Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore .

  8. 请在2006年7月21日前将此表交到国际学院教学办公室。

    Please hand in a hardcopy of this form to the Teaching & Learning Office before Jul 21 .

  9. 中美合作卓越国际学院是华北地区出类拔萃的合作类工商管理本科学院之一。

    ICE of University of International Business and Economics is a leading joint college in business administration in north-central China .

  10. 英国查尔斯王子(右)去年元月二十七日参访美国费城国际学院时,展现他优雅的仪态。照片∶法新社。

    Prince Charles , right , shows off his proper manners while visiting the International House in Philadelphia , Jan.27,2007 .

  11. 他就读于瑞士伯尔尼国际学院,根据包括首尔东亚日报在内的媒体报道。

    He attended the International School of Berne in Switzerland , according to media including the Seoul-based Dong-A Ilbo newspaper .

  12. 任何到过病发区的学生或职员在返回哥伦比亚国际学院后会被隔离10天,此政策立即生效。

    Effective immediately , any student or staff who travels to an affected area will be quarantined for10 days upon return .

  13. 郑州大学西亚斯国际学院最近开放的一座图书馆给该校学生们带来了一份意外的惊喜。

    The library at Sias International University in Zhengzhou opened recently , bringing a pleasant surprise to the school 's students .

  14. 在教育领域,将支持国内知名高校在海南设立国际学院。

    In the education sector , prestigious universities in the country will be supported to set up international colleges in Hainan .

  15. 陈劲民是继国际学院学生孙嘉儿在游泳项目夺得铜牌后,另一位浸大同学获得奖牌。

    A second BU student , Suen ka-yi from the College of International Education , won a bronze medal in the swimming competition .

  16. 由于国际学院是全部英语教学,应征者必须有流利的英文说写能力,但不必是以英语为母语者。

    As all teaching in the International College is in English , applicants must be fluent in English but not necessarily native speakers .

  17. 据位于加拿大新斯科舍省的西岛国际学院表示,事故发生时他们的这艘船正在为期10个月的航行中。

    West Island College International in Nova Scotia , which owns the vessel , said it had been on a10-month voyage when it capsized .

  18. 国际学院副学士二年级同学张嘉玉,凭著一把悦耳的歌声,于三月一日举行的全港副学位学生歌唱比赛中脱颖而出,赢得冠军。

    Kimi Cheung , a Year II Associate Degree student from the College of International Education , won first prize in an Inter-College singing contest on1 March .

  19. 第一天的课程分别由物流学院的明国英老师和旅游与国际学院的崔岩老师主讲。

    The courses of the first day are taught by Ming Guoying and Cui Yan , coming from Logistics School and School of Tourism and International Cooperation respectively .

  20. 联合国际学院老师都持有外籍英语教师资格证,并且在海内外积累了丰富的教学经验。

    The StaffThe teachers at UIC all hold qualifications in teaching English as a foreign language and have a wide range of teaching experience in the UK and overseas .

  21. 然而,比英语语言教学更重要的是,逐步培养中国学习惯美式教育方法,麻省国际学院的教师艾米尼兹说。美国留学课堂强调创造性与批判性思维。

    More important than English , however , is instilling Chinese students with an American-style approach to education , said Amy Niesz , an English instructor at the academy .

  22. 付款方式:付款可通过银行汇票,汇款单,支票,信用卡或者现金直接转给加拿大阳光国际学院。

    Method of payment : payment can be made by bank draft , money order , certified cheque , credit card or cash to be paid to Canada International college .

  23. 专业教学中的英语应用能力培养实践&以浙江纺织服装职业技术学院国际学院教改为例

    Practice of the Cultivation of Students ' Practical English Ability in Special Field Teaching & With the example of teaching reform in International College of Zhejiang Textile and Fashion College

  24. 22岁的刘宇(音译)在位于珠海市的北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院就读,主修统计学专业。

    Liu Yu , 22 , is a student majoring in statistics at the United International College of Beijing Normal University and Hong Kong Baptist University ( UIC ), in Zhuhai .

  25. 同时,本文又运用了调查问卷的分析方法对十九个清迈皇家大学国际学院初级汉语学生进行问卷调查收集资料,并且进行了四次调查,得到了第一手对外汉语教学的资料。

    Information was collected using of questionnaires and conducted at Chiang Mai Royal College of International Education . Nineteen ( 19 ) Elementary-Chinese students were surveyed four times to get first-hand foreign language teaching information .

  26. 联合国际学院的管理队伍会持不同语言全天为学生提供帮助,不论学生是否已经来到联合国际学院。

    Our administration team speak a number of different languages and they are available throughout the day if you need any help while you are here , or if you have any questions before you arrive .

  27. 由罗纳尔多和他的商业合作伙伴,也是巴西亿万富翁的卡洛斯·韦泽联合创办的罗纳尔多国际学院,期待能够在2020年之前在全球创办100所足球学校,以此在普通教育和足球技术上对6-18岁的青少年进行培养。

    The Ronaldo Academy , jointly founded by Ronaldo and Carlos Wizard , his business partner and Brazilian billionaire , is expected to open 100 football schools worldwide by 2020 , training youth 6 to 18 years old in general education and football skills .

  28. 作者用三个月时间对武汉工程大学国际学院大一环境监测专业的两个班进行教学实践,将语境理论应用到英语阅读教学中。

    The systemic functional context theory is used in English reading instruction for freshmen in environmental monitoring classes in School of International Education of Wuhan Institute of Technology for three months . The author compares the experiment results between the control class and the experimental class .

  29. 他在国际事务学院给学生们作演讲。

    He was speaking to an audience of students at the Institute for International Affairs .

  30. 华盛顿约翰霍普金斯大学高级国际研究学院的中国问题专家皮耶·P·鲍迪乐如是说。

    Bottelier , a China expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington .