
  • 网络ITTO;International Tropical Timber Organization;International Tropical Timber Organisation
  1. 国际热带木材组织的这份报告中也作出一个更积极的解说,指出可持续发展的森林管理正在增加。

    On a more positive note , the ITTO report says that sustainable management of forests is on the rise .

  2. 在这方面,粮农组织打算与德国技术合作署和国际热带木材组织共同在粮农组织举办一场磋商会,讨论各认证进程的相互认可问题。

    In this respect , in association with GTZ and ITTO , FAO plans to hold a consultation dealing with the subject of mutual recognition between certification processes , to be held at FAO .

  3. 1988年,当国际热带木材组织进行上次大型调查的时候,只有100万公顷的热带森林是以可持续的方式进行管理的。

    When the organisation last conducted a major survey , in1988 , only a million hectares of tropical forest were being managed sustainably .

  4. 粮农组织/环境规划署/国际热带木材组织/印度森林管理研究所/美国森林管理局,2000年。亚洲旱林可持续森林管理国家级标准及指标制定研讨会。

    FAO / UNEP / ITTO / IIFM / USFS ; 2000 ; Workshop on the Development of National-Level Criteria and Indicators for the Sustainable Management of Dry Forests in Asia .