
  1. 近代中西医教育一体化的重要探索&陆渊雷和上海国医学院医教思想述评

    Important Exploration of Integral Education of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine

  2. 由于韩国人口出生率下滑到历史新低,该国医学院的学生们只能用机器人产妇来练习接生技术。

    SEOUL ( Reuters Life !) - With South Korea 's birth rate at its lowest ever , medical students are resorting to robots to practice bringing babies into the world .

  3. 英国护士爱丝.卡维尔是第一次世界大战中的女英雄。一九一四年,德军侵占比利时,她正在比国布鲁塞尔贝肯达医学院任护士长。

    British nurse Edith Cavell , a World War I heroine , was matron of the Berkendael Medical Institute in Brussels , Belgium , when the German army invaded the country in1914 .